High Beginner / Improver
#32 count intro - No Tags, No Restarts
Step R, Point L, Step L, Point R, Step R, Point L, L Coaster
1 - 2Step R fwd (1), Point L side (2)
3 - 4Step L fwd (3), Point R side (4)
5 – 6Step R fwd (5), Point L side (6)
7 & 8 Step back L (7), Step R next to L (&), Step fwd L (8) (12:00)
Step R, ¼ Turn, Step R, ¼ Turn, Jazz Box
1 - 2Step R fwd (1), 1/4 turn left stepping onto L (2) (3:00)
3 - 4Step R fwd (3), 1/4 turn left stepping onto L (4) (6:00)
5 - 6Step R over L (5), Step L back (6)
7 - 8Step R to right (7), Step L slightly forward (8) (6:00)
Press R, Kick R, Weave, Press L, Kick L, Weave
1 – 2Press on ball of R to right side (1), Recover onto L kicking R (2)
3 & 4 Step R behind L (3), Step L to side (&), Cross R over L (4)
5 – 6Press on ball of L to left side (5), Recover onto R kicking L (6)
7 & 8 Step L behind R (3), Step R to side (&), Cross L over* (8) (6:00)
Variation for count 8: Step L slightly forward for ease
Variation for whole 8 count:
Side Rock R, Recover L, Triple/Shuffle in place, Side Rock L, Recover R, Triple/Shuffle in place
R Rocking Chair, Step R, Heel Bounce ¼
1 - 2Step R fwd (1), Recover on L (2)
3 - 4Step R back (3), Recover on L (4)
5Step R fwd L (5)
6 - 8Bounce on balls of feet lifting both heels as make ¼ turn left. Weigh on L (3:00)
Step R, Point L, Step L, Point R, Step R, Point L, L Coaster
1 - 2Step R fwd (1), Point L side (2)
3 - 4Step L fwd (3), Point R side (4)
5 – 6Step R fwd (5), Point L side (6)
7 & 8 Step back L (7), Step R next to L (&), Step fwd L (8) (12:00)
Step R, ¼ Turn, Step R, ¼ Turn, Jazz Box
1 - 2Step R fwd (1), 1/4 turn left stepping onto L (2) (3:00)
3 - 4Step R fwd (3), 1/4 turn left stepping onto L (4) (6:00)
5 - 6Step R over L (5), Step L back (6)
7 - 8Step R to right (7), Step L slightly forward (8) (6:00)
Press R, Kick R, Weave, Press L, Kick L, Weave
1 – 2Press on ball of R to right side (1), Recover onto L kicking R (2)
3 & 4 Step R behind L (3), Step L to side (&), Cross R over L (4)
5 – 6Press on ball of L to left side (5), Recover onto R kicking L (6)
7 & 8 Step L behind R (3), Step R to side (&), Cross L over* (8) (6:00)
Variation for count 8: Step L slightly forward for ease
Variation for whole 8 count:
Side Rock R, Recover L, Triple/Shuffle in place, Side Rock L, Recover R, Triple/Shuffle in place
R Rocking Chair, Step R, Heel Bounce ¼
1 - 2Step R fwd (1), Recover on L (2)
3 - 4Step R back (3), Recover on L (4)
5Step R fwd L (5)
6 - 8Bounce on balls of feet lifting both heels as make ¼ turn left. Weigh on L (3:00)