Intermediate - Partner
Right Open Promenade Position Face L.O.D
Intro : 16 counts
[1-8] (Shuffle 1/2 turn, Back Rock) X2,
1&2M : Shuffle LF, RF, LF, 1/2 turn to right R.L.O.D.
W : Shuffle RF, LF, RF, 1/2 turn to left R.L.O.D.
The man and the woman hold each other by the waist
3-4M : Rock RF behind – return on LF
W : Rock LF behind – return on RF
5&6M : Shuffle RF, LF, RF, 1/2 turn to left L.O.D
W : Shuffle LF, RF, LF, 1/2 turn to right L.O.D.
The man and the woman hold each other by the waist
Take man’s L hand in the woman R hand
7-8M : Rock LF behind – Return on RF
W : Rock RF behind – return on LF
M : (Walk, Walk Shuffle Fwd) X2,
W : Walk, 1/2 Turn, Shuffle Back, Back, Back, Shufle Back,
The woman passes under her R arm
1-2M : LF forward- RF forward
W : RF forward – 1/2 turn to right, LF behind R.L.O.D.
Take Closed Western Position
3&4M : Shuffle LF, RF, LF, Forward
W : Shuffle RF, LF, RF, Behind
5-6M : RF forward- LF forward
W : LF behind – RF behind
7&8M : Shuffle RF, LF, RF, Forward
W : Shuffle LF, RF, LF, Behind
[17-24] Side, Togheter, Shuffle 1/4 Turn, Pivot 1/2 Turn, Shuffle 1/4 Turn
1-2M : LF to left – RF next to LF
W : RF to right – LF next to RF
Let go the man’s L hand and the woman’s R hand
3&4M : Shuffle LF, RF, LF, 1/4 turn to left I.L.O.D.
W : Shuffle RF, LF, RF, 1/4 turn to right I.L.O.D.
Let go all hand
5-6M : RF Forward – Pivot 1/2 to left
W : LF forward – Pivot 1/2 to right
Take the two hand, Open Double Hand Hold Position
7&8M : Shuffle RF, LF, RF, 1/4 turn to left L.O.D.
W : Shuffle LF, RF, LF, 1/4 turn to right R.L.O.D.
[25-32] Back Rock, Triple Step, Walk 1/8 Turn, Walk 1/8Turn, Shuffle Fwd 1/4 Turn,
1-2M : Rock LF behind – Return on RF
W : Rock RF behind – Return on LF
3&4M : Triple Step LF, RF, LF, Slightly to the left
W : Triple Step RF, LF, RF, Slightly to the left
The partners are right shoulder to right shoulder
For the counts 5-8, Do a Pinwheel
5-6M : RF forward, 1/8 turn to right –LF forward, 1/8 turn to right
W : LF forward 1/8 turn to right – RF forward, 1/8 turn to right
7&8M : Shuffle RF, LF, RF, 1/4 Turn to right R.L.O.D.
W : Shuffle LF, RF, LF, 1/4 Turn to right L.O.D.
M : Walk 1/8 Turn, Walk 1/8Turn, Shuffle Fwd 1/4 Turn,
W : Walk, Walk, Shuffle Fwd, Full Turn, Shuffle Fwd,
The man passes behind the woman
1-2Leave the man’s L hand and the woman’s R hand, The woman passes under her L arm M : LF forward 1/8 turn to right – RF forward, 1/8 turn to right
W : RF diagonaly forward – LF Forward
3&4M : Shuffle LF, RF, LF, 1/4 Turn to right L.O.D.
W : Shuffle RF, LF, RF, Forward
Right Open Promenade Position
Let go all hands
5-6M : 1/2 turn to Left, RF behind – 1/2 turn to Left, LF forward
W : 1/2 turn to right, LF behind – 1/2 turn to right, RF forward
Restart after count 5 on the third routine and increase the cadence (Do not turn, take a step forward) 7&8 M:. 7&8 M : Shuffle RF, LF, RF, Forward
W : Shuffle LF, RF, LF, Forward
Restart at this point for the second routine and decrease the cadence
[41-48] Rock Step, Shuffle 1/2 Turn, (Step 1/4 Turn) X2, Shuffle Fwd
The man clap his L hand in the Woman’s R hand
1-2M : Rock LF Forward – Return on the RF
W : Rock RF forward – Return on the LF
Let go all hands
3&4M : Shuffle LF, RF, LF, 1/2 turn to left R.L.O.D.
W : Shuffle RF, LF, RF, 1/2 turn to right R.L.O.D.
Take the man’s L hand in the woman’s R hand, Left Open Promenade Position
Do not let go the hands, The man and woman cross left shoulder to left shoulder, don’t raise the hands
5-6M : RF forward, 1/4 turn to left – LF forward, 1/4 turn to left L.O.D.
W : LF forward, 1/4 turn to right - RF forward, 1/4 turn to right L.O.D.
One hand Wrap Position
7&8M : Shuffle RF, LF, RF, Forward
W : Shuffle LF, RF, LF, Forward
M : Walk X2, Shuffle Fwd, Side Rock, Triple Step Full Turn,
W : Full Turn, Shufle Fwd, Side Rock, Cross Shuffle,
Do not let go the hands
1-2M : LF forward – RF forward
W : 1/2 turn to Left, RF behind – 1/2 turn to Left, LF forward
3&4M : Shuffle LF, RF, LF, Forward
W : Shuffle RF, LF, RF, Forward
5-6M : Rock RF to right – Return on the LF
W : Rock LF to left – Return on the RF
Let go all hands, The man cross behind the woman
7&8M : Triple Step RF, LF, RF, full turn to the right
W : Cross Shuffle LF, RF, LF, to the right
Take the Man’s R hand in the woman’s left hand, Right Open Promenade Position
[57-64] (Point, Cross) X2, Kick Ball Step X2,
1-2M : Point L to left- LF cross in front RF
W : Point R to right – RF cross in front LF
3-4M : Point R to right – RF cross in front LF
W : Point L to left- LF cross in front RF
5&6M : Kick LF Forward– LF next to RF – RF Forward
W : Kick RF forward – RF next to LF – LF forward
7&8M : Kick LF Forward– LF next to RF – RF Forward
W : Kick RF forward – RF next to LF – LF forward
On the second routine, do the first 40 counts and start the dance again
On the third routine, Do the 37 first counts and start the dance agai
Intro : 16 counts
[1-8] (Shuffle 1/2 turn, Back Rock) X2,
1&2M : Shuffle LF, RF, LF, 1/2 turn to right R.L.O.D.
W : Shuffle RF, LF, RF, 1/2 turn to left R.L.O.D.
The man and the woman hold each other by the waist
3-4M : Rock RF behind – return on LF
W : Rock LF behind – return on RF
5&6M : Shuffle RF, LF, RF, 1/2 turn to left L.O.D
W : Shuffle LF, RF, LF, 1/2 turn to right L.O.D.
The man and the woman hold each other by the waist
Take man’s L hand in the woman R hand
7-8M : Rock LF behind – Return on RF
W : Rock RF behind – return on LF
M : (Walk, Walk Shuffle Fwd) X2,
W : Walk, 1/2 Turn, Shuffle Back, Back, Back, Shufle Back,
The woman passes under her R arm
1-2M : LF forward- RF forward
W : RF forward – 1/2 turn to right, LF behind R.L.O.D.
Take Closed Western Position
3&4M : Shuffle LF, RF, LF, Forward
W : Shuffle RF, LF, RF, Behind
5-6M : RF forward- LF forward
W : LF behind – RF behind
7&8M : Shuffle RF, LF, RF, Forward
W : Shuffle LF, RF, LF, Behind
[17-24] Side, Togheter, Shuffle 1/4 Turn, Pivot 1/2 Turn, Shuffle 1/4 Turn
1-2M : LF to left – RF next to LF
W : RF to right – LF next to RF
Let go the man’s L hand and the woman’s R hand
3&4M : Shuffle LF, RF, LF, 1/4 turn to left I.L.O.D.
W : Shuffle RF, LF, RF, 1/4 turn to right I.L.O.D.
Let go all hand
5-6M : RF Forward – Pivot 1/2 to left
W : LF forward – Pivot 1/2 to right
Take the two hand, Open Double Hand Hold Position
7&8M : Shuffle RF, LF, RF, 1/4 turn to left L.O.D.
W : Shuffle LF, RF, LF, 1/4 turn to right R.L.O.D.
[25-32] Back Rock, Triple Step, Walk 1/8 Turn, Walk 1/8Turn, Shuffle Fwd 1/4 Turn,
1-2M : Rock LF behind – Return on RF
W : Rock RF behind – Return on LF
3&4M : Triple Step LF, RF, LF, Slightly to the left
W : Triple Step RF, LF, RF, Slightly to the left
The partners are right shoulder to right shoulder
For the counts 5-8, Do a Pinwheel
5-6M : RF forward, 1/8 turn to right –LF forward, 1/8 turn to right
W : LF forward 1/8 turn to right – RF forward, 1/8 turn to right
7&8M : Shuffle RF, LF, RF, 1/4 Turn to right R.L.O.D.
W : Shuffle LF, RF, LF, 1/4 Turn to right L.O.D.
M : Walk 1/8 Turn, Walk 1/8Turn, Shuffle Fwd 1/4 Turn,
W : Walk, Walk, Shuffle Fwd, Full Turn, Shuffle Fwd,
The man passes behind the woman
1-2Leave the man’s L hand and the woman’s R hand, The woman passes under her L arm M : LF forward 1/8 turn to right – RF forward, 1/8 turn to right
W : RF diagonaly forward – LF Forward
3&4M : Shuffle LF, RF, LF, 1/4 Turn to right L.O.D.
W : Shuffle RF, LF, RF, Forward
Right Open Promenade Position
Let go all hands
5-6M : 1/2 turn to Left, RF behind – 1/2 turn to Left, LF forward
W : 1/2 turn to right, LF behind – 1/2 turn to right, RF forward
Restart after count 5 on the third routine and increase the cadence (Do not turn, take a step forward) 7&8 M:. 7&8 M : Shuffle RF, LF, RF, Forward
W : Shuffle LF, RF, LF, Forward
Restart at this point for the second routine and decrease the cadence
[41-48] Rock Step, Shuffle 1/2 Turn, (Step 1/4 Turn) X2, Shuffle Fwd
The man clap his L hand in the Woman’s R hand
1-2M : Rock LF Forward – Return on the RF
W : Rock RF forward – Return on the LF
Let go all hands
3&4M : Shuffle LF, RF, LF, 1/2 turn to left R.L.O.D.
W : Shuffle RF, LF, RF, 1/2 turn to right R.L.O.D.
Take the man’s L hand in the woman’s R hand, Left Open Promenade Position
Do not let go the hands, The man and woman cross left shoulder to left shoulder, don’t raise the hands
5-6M : RF forward, 1/4 turn to left – LF forward, 1/4 turn to left L.O.D.
W : LF forward, 1/4 turn to right - RF forward, 1/4 turn to right L.O.D.
One hand Wrap Position
7&8M : Shuffle RF, LF, RF, Forward
W : Shuffle LF, RF, LF, Forward
M : Walk X2, Shuffle Fwd, Side Rock, Triple Step Full Turn,
W : Full Turn, Shufle Fwd, Side Rock, Cross Shuffle,
Do not let go the hands
1-2M : LF forward – RF forward
W : 1/2 turn to Left, RF behind – 1/2 turn to Left, LF forward
3&4M : Shuffle LF, RF, LF, Forward
W : Shuffle RF, LF, RF, Forward
5-6M : Rock RF to right – Return on the LF
W : Rock LF to left – Return on the RF
Let go all hands, The man cross behind the woman
7&8M : Triple Step RF, LF, RF, full turn to the right
W : Cross Shuffle LF, RF, LF, to the right
Take the Man’s R hand in the woman’s left hand, Right Open Promenade Position
[57-64] (Point, Cross) X2, Kick Ball Step X2,
1-2M : Point L to left- LF cross in front RF
W : Point R to right – RF cross in front LF
3-4M : Point R to right – RF cross in front LF
W : Point L to left- LF cross in front RF
5&6M : Kick LF Forward– LF next to RF – RF Forward
W : Kick RF forward – RF next to LF – LF forward
7&8M : Kick LF Forward– LF next to RF – RF Forward
W : Kick RF forward – RF next to LF – LF forward
On the second routine, do the first 40 counts and start the dance again
On the third routine, Do the 37 first counts and start the dance agai