High Improver
Intro: 16 counts.
Restart: Wall 5 after 16 counts
Tag: End of Walls 3-6 & 7
1-2&L side rock, step R, bring L in
3-4&R side rock, step L, touch R toe
5-6.Step R touch L
Ending: Wall 8
1-2-3-4.Step L touch R, Step R touch L
Restart on the word ‘Me’ dance to count 8 Bringing the turn to finish at the front
Section 1: L night club, 1/4 R, 1/2 turn R stepping LRL
1-2&.Step L to L side, rock back on R, replace weight on L
3-4&5.1/4 turn R stepping fwd on R, step fwd on L, 1/2 turn R , replace weight on R, step fwd on L. (9:00)
Full turn fwd 1/4 turn L, cross R over L
6&Fwd 1/2 turn over L shoulder on R, 1/2 turn step fwd on L
7&8.1/4L on R, step L next to R, Step R over L (6:00)
Section 2: Same as section 1
Section 3: Rock back rock fwd , & Rock fwd rock back ( L diagonal)
1-2&L diagonal rock back on L, step forward on R, step L next to R
3-4.Rock fwd on R, step back on L. (11:30)
Coaster step back, 1/2 turn L , step fwd R
5&6.Step back on R, step L next to R, step fwd on R
7-8.Step fwd on L, pivot 1/2 turn R step fwd R. (4:30)
Section 4: Side behind 1/4 turn, step 1/2 turn, 1/4 turn stepping R
1&2Step L to L side, ( 6:00) step R behind L, 1/4 turn L Step fwd L (3:00)
3&4.Step fwd R pivot 3/4 turn L step R to R side (6:00)
Start Again.
Dedicated to those affected by Dementia….Love you Mum! ❤
Karen Makin…..makin1957@msn.com
Last Update: 25 Jan 2025
Restart: Wall 5 after 16 counts
Tag: End of Walls 3-6 & 7
1-2&L side rock, step R, bring L in
3-4&R side rock, step L, touch R toe
5-6.Step R touch L
Ending: Wall 8
1-2-3-4.Step L touch R, Step R touch L
Restart on the word ‘Me’ dance to count 8 Bringing the turn to finish at the front
Section 1: L night club, 1/4 R, 1/2 turn R stepping LRL
1-2&.Step L to L side, rock back on R, replace weight on L
3-4&5.1/4 turn R stepping fwd on R, step fwd on L, 1/2 turn R , replace weight on R, step fwd on L. (9:00)
Full turn fwd 1/4 turn L, cross R over L
6&Fwd 1/2 turn over L shoulder on R, 1/2 turn step fwd on L
7&8.1/4L on R, step L next to R, Step R over L (6:00)
Section 2: Same as section 1
Section 3: Rock back rock fwd , & Rock fwd rock back ( L diagonal)
1-2&L diagonal rock back on L, step forward on R, step L next to R
3-4.Rock fwd on R, step back on L. (11:30)
Coaster step back, 1/2 turn L , step fwd R
5&6.Step back on R, step L next to R, step fwd on R
7-8.Step fwd on L, pivot 1/2 turn R step fwd R. (4:30)
Section 4: Side behind 1/4 turn, step 1/2 turn, 1/4 turn stepping R
1&2Step L to L side, ( 6:00) step R behind L, 1/4 turn L Step fwd L (3:00)
3&4.Step fwd R pivot 3/4 turn L step R to R side (6:00)
Start Again.
Dedicated to those affected by Dementia….Love you Mum! ❤
Karen Makin…..makin1957@msn.com
Last Update: 25 Jan 2025