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Bye Bye Deadpool

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Beginner / Intermediate
Rob Ryan (USA) - January 2025
Bye, Bye, Bye - *NSYNC
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Choreographer: Original Video Choreography: Darrin Henson (USA), 2000
Movie Adaptation: Nick Pauley (USA), 2023
Line Dance Adaptation: Rob Ryan, (USA), 2025

*[1st rows are foot choreography; 2nd rows are upper body choreography]

Side kick & cross, shoulder rocks (hands on belt buckle)
1-4Right side kick, Right knee up, Step Right over Left, Hold. Rock Left shoulder Up (& Right Down), Right Up, Left Up, Hold.
5-8Small step to the Right, hold for three. Rock Right shoulder up (& Left Down), Left Up, Right up, Hold.

Gun fingers: Side-Forward-Sky, Bye, Bye, Bye
1-4Light bounce, Hold for three."Shoot" Sides, "Shoot" Front, "Shoot" Sky, hold (briefly "holstered").
5-8Legs apart, Hold for three. Bring your Right hand across (chest level), open and closing your Right hand like a puppet's mouth 3 times, Relax/hold.

PHRASE B : 8c [also functions as the TAG*]
Step-touch, Step-touch, Push-touch, Step-touch (Right then Left)
1-4Step Right, Touch Left together, Step Left, Touch Right together.
Hands held behind the back.
5-8Push step Right, Touch Right together, Step Right, Touch Left together.*
Hands held behind the back.
* When used as a TAG, the last step is a full step with weight change to the Left foot.

Cowboy lasso, Step-touch, Step-touch, Push-touch, Step-touch (Left then Right)
1-4Step Left, Touch Right together, Step Right, Touch Left together.
Left hand behind your back, circle your Right fist in a lasso motion around your head 2x.
5-8Push step Left, Touch Left together, Step Left, Touch Right together.
Continue "lasso" fist motion 2 more times.

Stiff Elbow grab-pull (Left & Right)
[1-4] Step/Lean Right, Hold for 3.
1With your Left fist, make an upward pulling motion, angling your elbow up (head level);
2Continue the pull gesture with your fist leveling up with your elbow;
3Finish the "pull" motion circling your elbow down and back with your fist at face level;
4Relax your Left hand and place it behind your back.
[5-8] Lean Left, hold for 3.
5With your Right fist, make an upward pulling motion angling your elbow up;
6Continue the pull gesture with your fist leveling up with your elbow;
7Finish the "pull" motion circling your elbow down and back with your fist at face level;
8Relax your Right hand.

Right Hopping Fist-pumps (Left Hand), Bye, Bye, Bye
1-4Three hops to end at 45 degrees Right of the 12:00 wall, Hold.
Three Left hand fist-pumps upward, Hold.
5-8Single hop Left, back to the 12:00 wall, legs apart, Hold for 3.
Bring your Right hand across (chest level), open and closing your right hand like a puppet's mouth 3x, Relax/hold.

Three Left Hopping Fist-pumps (Right Hand) & Head Nods
1-4Three hops to end at 45 degrees Left of the 12:00 wall, Hold.
Three Right hand fist-pumps upward, Hold.
Three Head nods (ideally at the end of an upward body roll), Hold.

Three Right Hopping Fist-pumps (Left Hand) & Head nods
1-4Three hops to end at 45 degrees Right of the 12:00 wall, Hold.
Three Left hand fist-pumps upward, Hold.
Three Head nods (ideally at the end of an upward body roll), Hold.

Three Left Hopping Fist-pumps (Right Hand) with Three Head Nods.
1-4Three hops to end at 45 degrees Left of the 12:00 wall, Hold.
Three Right hand fist-pumps upward, Hold.
Three Head nods (ideally at the end of an upward body roll), Hold.

1-Fade Hop into wide stance, hold. [END]
Fists held in front of chest, with knuckles out, elbows pointed down. [END]

Intermediate Phrasing:
TAG [section without lyrics]
TAG [section without lyrics]

Beginner Phrasing:
“Pattern” = Phrases B+C+D in succession.

5instances of the pattern.
TAG [section without lyrics]
5instances of the pattern.
TAG [section without lyrics]
5instances of the pattern.

*Note: The final choreography for the movie was sampled from Nick Pauley’s original proposed choreography. For this reason, the line dance does not match the movie exactly, except where the sampled parts line up with the action. The line dance was kept as close as possible to Nick’s original audition recording, which is in wide circulation. Minor changes were made for the dance to fit with line dance practicality.

Rob Ryan
Patterns Of MotionSM

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