CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Bad Girl

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Hilary Wright (AUS) - November 2024
Bad Girl (feat. Roo Savill) - Dave James & Keith Beauvais
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Intro: 24 counts

R Chasse, L Toe strut, Touch kick, Weave
1&2Step RF to R, step LF next to RF, step RF to R
3,4Touch ball of LF slightly in front, step on it
5&Touch ball of RF next to LF turning R knee in, kick RF forward swivelling 1/8 to R (1.30)
6&7Step RF behind LF squaring to 12.00, LF to side, cross RF in front of LF
8Step LF to side (12.00)

Kick ball step, ½ Pivot to R, R Coaster, ¼ Diamond with touch behind
1&2Kick RF to front, step on ball of RF next to LF, step LF forward
3&4&½ Pivot keeping weight on LF, Step RF back, step LF next to RF, step RF forward (6.00)
5&6Step LF forward, RF to side turning 1/8 to L, LF back, dragging RF in (4.30)
7&8&Step RF back, LF to side turning 1/8 to L, RF forward, Touch ball of LF behind RF (3.00)

Back rock hitch, Cross side, ¼ Sailor kick, Behind and step ¼ L, Hitch ½ turn
1&2Rock LF back, recover on RF, Hitch LF
3,4Cross LF in front of RF, take a long side step with RF
5&6&Sweep LF behind RF turning ¼ to L, Step RF to side, LF to side, kick RF to side (12.00)
7&Step RF behind LF, Step LF ¼ to L hitching RF
8Continue turning another ½ to L (3.00)

Step 1/8 R touch hip bump, Mambo fwd 1/8, Mambo back 1/8, Mambo fwd 1/8,
1,2Step RF forward 1/8 to R, touch LF next to RF and push L hip out (4.30)
3&4LF forward rock, recover on RF turning 1/8 to R, step LF next to RF (6.00)
5&6RF back rock, recover to LF turning 1/8 to R, step RF next to LF (7.30)
7&8LF forward rock, recover on RF turning 1/8 to R, step LF next to RF (9.00)

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