CopperKnob Stepsheets

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My Hawaii

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Phrased Intermediate / Advanced
Jeffrey Callejo (USA) - November 2024
I Miss You My Hawaii - Na Leo Pilimehana
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Dance Sequence: A, A+ B, B, Tag, A, A+, B, B, Tag, B, Tag, B, B, Tag, B

A: 24 counts
Side, Rock Recover, 1/2 turn R, Cross, Side, Rock Recover, 1/2 Turn R, Cross
1-2&(1) Step R to right side (2) Rock L behind right, (&) Recover fwd onto R foot
3-4&(3) 1/4 turn right stepping back on L (4) 1/4 turn right stepping R to right side (&) Cross L over R
5-6&(5) Step R to right side (6) Rock L behind right, (&) Recover fwd onto R foot
7-8&(7) 1/4 turn right stepping back on L (8) 1/4 turn right stepping R to right side (&) Cross L over R (face 1:30)

Walk x 3, Rock, Recover, Back, Sweep, Step & Prep, Unwind with Sweep
1-2&(1) Step fwd R (2) Step fwd L (&) Step fwd R
3-4&(3) Rock fwd on L (4) Recover back on to R (&) Step back on L
5-6&(5) Step back on R sweeping L back while turning body to 12:00 (6) Step L behind R and continue turning body toward 10:30 (&) Step R in place
7-8&(7) Step L over R keeping weight on ball of L foot (8) Unwind full turn to the right keeping weight on L 12:00 (&) Sweep R from front to back

Behind, Side, Cross, Rock, Recover, Cross, Point with Hawaii Hula Motion
1-2&(1) Step R behind left (2) Step L to side (&) Step R across L
3&4(3) Rock L to side (&) Recover back onto R (4) Step L over R
5-8(5) Point R toe toward 1:30, lift left arm up and hold, bring your right arm across to the left at waist level with palm facing up and pan your right arm from left to right for 4 counts.
A+ Hold arm for 2 extra counts

B 18 counts
Fall Away Diamond, walk, walk, lunge, back, together
1-2&(1) Step fwd to (1:30) on R (2) Step fwd on L, (&) Turn 1/8 left (12:00) step R to side
3-4&(3) Turn 1/8 left (10:30) step back on L (4) Step back on R (&) 1/4 turn left (7:30) step L fwd
5-7(5) Step forward to 7:30 on right, (6) Step forward left, (7) Step forward right and lift right hand to sky
8&(8) step back on L (&) step R next to L

Sweep, rock, recover, sweep, behind, side, cross, rock, 1/4 turn left, step, full turn right , 1/4 turn left, rock, recover
1-2&(1) Step back on L and sweep R from front to back, (2) Step back on R (&) Step in place on L
3-4&(3) Step back on R and sweep L from front to back, (4) Step L behind R (&) Step R to side
5-6&(5) Cross L over R (6) Step R to side, (&) 1/4 turn L and place L next to R
7-8&(7) Step R fwd (prep for turn) (8) 1/2 turn R step back on L (&) 1/2 turn R stepping fwd on R
1-2&(1) 1/4 turn right step L out to side, (2) Rock R behind left, (&) Recover on L

TAG 8 counts: only follows section B, never A
1-2&(1) Step R fwd sweeping L toe forward, (2) Cross L over R (&) Step R to side
3-4&(3) Step L back sweeping R toe backward, (4) Cross R behind L (&) Step L to side
5-8(5) Sway Right, (6) Sway Left, (7) Sway Right, (8) Sway Left weight ending on L


Last Update: 19 Nov 2024

1 评论

Teresa1968 November 20, 2024
Beautiful dance and so elegant xx

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