Tags: 1, Restarts: 0
Intro: 16 Counts
[1-8] Cross Rock Step, Sweep Back LR, Coaster Step, Shuffle Fwd
1,&,2Step R fwd crossing slightly over L (1), Recover weight onto L (&), Step R back (2)
3,4Sweep L back (3), Sweep R back (4)
5,&,6Step L back (5), Step R next to L (&), Step L fwd (6)
7,&,8Step R fwd (7), Step L next to R (&), Step R fwd (8)
[9-16] 1/4 Pivot, Cross, Sway RL, Weave, Side Rock, Recover, Scuff
1,&,2Step L fwd (1), Turn 1/4 over right shoulder (&), Cross L in front of R (2)
3, 4Sway hips right (3), Sway hips left (4)
5,&,6,&Step R to right (5), Step L behind R (&) Step R to right (6), Step L in front of R (&)
7,&,8Step R to right (7), Recover weight onto L (&), Scuff R (8)
TAG: 4 count tag here at end of wall 10
[1-4] Full Turn, Sway RL
1,2Cross R in front of L (1), Turn in a full circle over left shoulder (2)
3,4Step R to right swaying hips right (3), Sway hips left (4)
Easy Option for Tag [1-4] Cross Rock, Recover, Sway RL
1,2Cross R in front of L (1), Recover weight onto L (2)
3,4Step R to right swaying hips right (3), Sway hips left (4)
Questions? Email: shelliestone33@gmail.com
Last Update: 15 Nov 2024
Intro: 16 Counts
[1-8] Cross Rock Step, Sweep Back LR, Coaster Step, Shuffle Fwd
1,&,2Step R fwd crossing slightly over L (1), Recover weight onto L (&), Step R back (2)
3,4Sweep L back (3), Sweep R back (4)
5,&,6Step L back (5), Step R next to L (&), Step L fwd (6)
7,&,8Step R fwd (7), Step L next to R (&), Step R fwd (8)
[9-16] 1/4 Pivot, Cross, Sway RL, Weave, Side Rock, Recover, Scuff
1,&,2Step L fwd (1), Turn 1/4 over right shoulder (&), Cross L in front of R (2)
3, 4Sway hips right (3), Sway hips left (4)
5,&,6,&Step R to right (5), Step L behind R (&) Step R to right (6), Step L in front of R (&)
7,&,8Step R to right (7), Recover weight onto L (&), Scuff R (8)
TAG: 4 count tag here at end of wall 10
[1-4] Full Turn, Sway RL
1,2Cross R in front of L (1), Turn in a full circle over left shoulder (2)
3,4Step R to right swaying hips right (3), Sway hips left (4)
Easy Option for Tag [1-4] Cross Rock, Recover, Sway RL
1,2Cross R in front of L (1), Recover weight onto L (2)
3,4Step R to right swaying hips right (3), Sway hips left (4)
Questions? Email: shelliestone33@gmail.com
Last Update: 15 Nov 2024