CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Devil in Town

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Phrased Intermediate
Victoria Rogers (CAN) - November 2024
Snakes - ZZ Ward : (iTunes)
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#16 count intro: starts on vocals
Phrasing: A tag BB A tag BB A BBB A
Note: starting orientations are written as they appear the first rotation in the dance.

Part A (32 counts)
R chasse; turn ¼ R and walk fwd LR; L mambo ½ turn L; full L traveling turn RL
1&2Step R to right, step L next to R, step R to right
3-4Turn ¼ right and walk fwd L, walk fwd R (3:00)
5&6Rock fwd on L, recover weight to R, turn ½ left stepping fwd on L (9:00)
7-8Make ½ turn left stepping back on R; make ½ turn left stepping fwd on L (9:00)
Non-turning option for counts 6-8: do mambo step w/o turn, step R back dragging L; step L back dragging R. Note: at beginning of next set of 8, omit initial ½ turn left – simply step back on the right diagonal.

½ L into R diag rock back-recover-cross; L side-rock-cross moving fwd; R fwd rock-recover; back fan-steps x 4
1&2Turn ½ to left stepping diagonally back on R, recover fwd to L, step R across L moving diagonally fwd (1:30)
&3Side rock L diagonally fwd toward 1:30, recover/step R slightly fwd and to the right
&4&Step L across R opening body to right. Rock fwd on R, recover weight to L (3:00)
5-6Step back on R, raising toes of L and fanning outward, step back on L, raising toes of R and fanning outward
7-8Step back on R, raising toes of L and fanning outward, step back on L, raising toes of R and fanning outward

R behind-side-cross; walk fwd x2 LR; L cross-¼-back on R; back L; back R; L step-drag squaring up
1&2Step R behind L, step L to left, step R across L to face left diagonal (1:30)
3-4Walk fwd L, walk fwd R (continuing on diagaonal toward 1:30)
5&6Step L across R, turn ¼ left stepping back on R, step back on L (10:30)
7-8Step back on R, take big step L to left side dragging R and squaring up to side wall. (9:00)

R cross shuffle; ¼-¼ reverse turn right, L cross rock-recover; L ¼; paddle-chugs x3 turning ½ left; touch R
1&2Step R across L, step L to left side, Step R across L (prep)
&3Turn ¼ right stepping back on L, turn ¼ right stepping R to right (3:00)
&4&Rock L across R, recover weight to R, turn ¼ left stepping fwd on L (12:00)
5&Keeping weight on L, press R lightly out to right side (away from body) while pushing hips to right (5), turn slightly (1/6 turn) to left as you release press and recover hips to center (10:00)
6&Keeping weight on L, press R lightly out to right side (away from body) while pushing hips to right (5), turn slightly (1/6 turn) to left as you release press and recover hips to center (8:00)
7&Keeping weight on L, press R lightly out to right side (away from body) while pushing hips to right (5), turn slightly (1/6 turn) to left as you release press and recover hips to center (6:00)
8Touch R next to L

Part B (16 counts)
R brush-hitch-back; L together; place R fwd and swivel RL; hitch R; R in place, L tap & step back; touch R; R side mambo touch
(Starting orientation first rotation 6:00)
1&2Brush R fwd bringing knee up (1), circle knee back and down in a circular motion (&) and step back on R (2)
&3&4Step L next to R (&), place R fwd (3), swivel R heel to right (&), then swivel R heel to left (4)
&5&Hitch R knee slightly (&), step R down in place (5), tap L toe behind R (&)
6&Step down on L in place (6), tap R toe in front of L (&)
7&8Step R to right, recover weight to L, touch R next to L

Bump hips R&R; R behind-side-cross; L point out-in-out; L ball step; R cross-unwind ½ to L; R touch
1&2Keeping weight on L, bump hips upward and to right (1), bring hips back to center (&), bump hips upward and to right (2)
3&4Step R behind L, step L to left, step R across L (keep steps compact)
5&6Keeping weight on R, point L out to left (5), bring L in and touch next to R (&), point L out to left (6)
&7&8Bring L in and step next to R (&), cross R in front of L (7) and do an unwind turn ½ to left, shifting weight onto L (&), touch R next to L (8) (12:00)

TAG: 8 count tag: occurs after the first two times you dance part A
(Starting orientation first rotation 6:00)
R fwd coaster; ½ reverse turn R w/step fwd L; R fwd coaster, ½ reverse turn R w/ step fwd L
1&2Step fwd on R, step L next to R, step R back
3&4Step back on L, turn ½ to right stepping fwd on R, step fwd on L (12:00)
5&6Step fwd on R, step L next to R, step R back
7&8Step back on L, turn ½ to right stepping fwd on R, step fwd on L (6:00)

Optional arm movement: raise both hands up in front of face during fwd coasters (raise hands on on count 1, lower on count 2) (This happens as she’s screaming “Oh My God!”)

Ending: you will end the dance with 16 counts of part A. Dance through the third back fan-step (count 7 of second set of 8); then take a big step L to the left, keeping R pointed to right.


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