CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Start All Over Again

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Diana Liang (CN) - November 2024
Cong Tou Zai Lai (从头再来) - Liu Huan (刘欢)
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Intro 24, No Tag/Restart

S1: Back Sweep, Coaster
1-3step Lf back, sweep Rf from front to back over 2 counts
4-6step Rf back, step Lf next to Rf, step Rf forward

S2: Twinkle LR
1-3cross Lf over Rf, rock Rf to R, recover to Lf
4-6cross Rf over Lf, rock Lf to L, recover to Rf

S3: 1/8R Forward Hitch, Mambo
1-3turn 1/8 to R stepping Lf forward, 1:30H, hitch Rf over 2C
4-6rock Rf forward, recover to Lf, step Rf back

S4: Back, 5/8R, Forward, 1/4R Rock Side Recover
1-3step Lf back, lift Rf turning 5/8 to R over 2C, 9H
4-6step Rf forward, turn 1/4 to R rocking Lf to L, 12H, recover to Rf

S5: Weave to R, Side, Point
1-3cross Lf over Rf, step Rf to R, step Lf behind Rf
4-6step Rf to R, turn body to R diagonal over 2 counts keeping Lf pointing in place

S6: 1/4L, Draw, 1/2L, 1/2L, Sweep Forward
1-3turn 1/4 to L stepping Lf in place, 9H, draw Rf towards Lf, turn 1/2 to L stepping Rf next to Lf, 3H
4-6turn 1/2 to L stepping Lf forward, 9H, sweep Rf from back to front over 2 counts

S7: Cross, Back, Side, Cross Rock Recover, Side
1-3cross Rf over Lf, step Lf back, step Rf to R
Ends here during W10 *
4-6cross rock Lf over Rf, recover to Rf, step Lf next to Rf

S8 Forward, 1/2L, Forward, 1/2L
1-3step Rf forward, turn 1/2 to L, 3H, step Lf in place
4-6step Rf forward, turn 1/2 to L over 2C keeping weight on Rf, 9H

* Ends during W10. Dance upto 39 counts, then add the following 3C
1-3step Lf forward, step Rf forward, turn 1/2 to L stepping Lf in place, 12H

Thanks and happy dancing!

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