Easy Intermediate
Dance steps requested by Whitestone Linedancers
Start dance: 16 count Intro
S1: 1-8 Right Dorothy, Left Dorothy, 1/2 Montery
1,2 &Step R foot Forward to the Diagonal, lock L foot behind R, Step R foot forward
3,4 &Step L Foot Forward tot he Diagonal, lock R foot behind L, Step L foot Foward
5,6Point R toe out to the R, Pivot 1/2 turn over R Shoulder on L foot. bringing R foot beside L
7,8Place L foot out to L, return L foot back beside R
S2: 9-16 Right side rock recover, Behind Side Cross, Left side rock recover, Behind Side Cross
1,2Rock out R to R side, recover on L
3&4Step R behind L, step L to L side, Cross R over L
5,6Rock out L to L side, recover on R
7&8Step L behind R, step R to R side, Cross L over R
S3: 17-24 Fractured Fiqure 8 - Side behind, 1/4 turn, Pivot 1/2, 1/4 turn R, behind 1/4 turn
1,2Step R to R side, cross L foot Behind R
3,4Turn 1/4, R step fwd, Step L foot Fwd
5,6Pivot 1/2 turn R over R shoulder, Turn 1/4 right, step L out to L side
7,8Step R behind L, 1/4 turn L, Step L fwd
S4: 25-32 Right Vauderville, Left Vauderville, Double Rock
1&2&Cross R over L, Step diagonally back L on L, Turn body diagonally to the R, Touch R heel fwd, Bring R beside L
3&4&Cross L over R, Step diagonally back R on R, Turn body diagonally to the L, Touch L heel fwd, Bring L beside R
5,6,7,8Rock R foot fwd on the diagonal, recover on the L, Repeat
*Restart Wall 5 after Monterey
*4 count Tag/Restart Wall 9 - after fractured fiqure 8 - Leave out both vaudervilles, do the double rock, restart dance
Finsh the dance wall 12 - Do the vaudervilles, 1/4 turn left , stomp the right foot fwd
Last Update: 1 Feb 2025
Start dance: 16 count Intro
S1: 1-8 Right Dorothy, Left Dorothy, 1/2 Montery
1,2 &Step R foot Forward to the Diagonal, lock L foot behind R, Step R foot forward
3,4 &Step L Foot Forward tot he Diagonal, lock R foot behind L, Step L foot Foward
5,6Point R toe out to the R, Pivot 1/2 turn over R Shoulder on L foot. bringing R foot beside L
7,8Place L foot out to L, return L foot back beside R
S2: 9-16 Right side rock recover, Behind Side Cross, Left side rock recover, Behind Side Cross
1,2Rock out R to R side, recover on L
3&4Step R behind L, step L to L side, Cross R over L
5,6Rock out L to L side, recover on R
7&8Step L behind R, step R to R side, Cross L over R
S3: 17-24 Fractured Fiqure 8 - Side behind, 1/4 turn, Pivot 1/2, 1/4 turn R, behind 1/4 turn
1,2Step R to R side, cross L foot Behind R
3,4Turn 1/4, R step fwd, Step L foot Fwd
5,6Pivot 1/2 turn R over R shoulder, Turn 1/4 right, step L out to L side
7,8Step R behind L, 1/4 turn L, Step L fwd
S4: 25-32 Right Vauderville, Left Vauderville, Double Rock
1&2&Cross R over L, Step diagonally back L on L, Turn body diagonally to the R, Touch R heel fwd, Bring R beside L
3&4&Cross L over R, Step diagonally back R on R, Turn body diagonally to the L, Touch L heel fwd, Bring L beside R
5,6,7,8Rock R foot fwd on the diagonal, recover on the L, Repeat
*Restart Wall 5 after Monterey
*4 count Tag/Restart Wall 9 - after fractured fiqure 8 - Leave out both vaudervilles, do the double rock, restart dance
Finsh the dance wall 12 - Do the vaudervilles, 1/4 turn left , stomp the right foot fwd
Last Update: 1 Feb 2025