Intermediate - Rolling count
Winning Dance in Amateur Choreography Competition - Windy City Line Dance Mania 2024
Tag after Wall 2 facing 12:00
Start after 4 counts
[1-8]: Step L back w/ R Sweep; Step R Behind - ¼ Turn Left (9:00) stepping L Forward - Full Left Spiral on R; Press L Forward; Step R back w/ L Sweep; Turning Behind-Side-Press (towards 10:30); Beginning of Syncopated Coaster Step.
1Step back on L foot sweeping R from front to back
2 aStep R behind L; Make ¼ turn left (9:00) stepping L forward
3Step R slightly in front of L making full spiral left (weighting R foot)
4Press forward on L foot
5Step back on R foot sweeping L from front to back
6 a7Step L behind R; Step R to Right while Making ⅛ Turn Right (10:30); Press L forward
8 aRecover R; Step L next to R
[9-16]: Rock R forward (End of Coaster Step); Recover L - Make ⅜ Turn Right (3:00) stepping R forward - ¾ Right Spiral on L (to 12:00); Step R to right side; Sway L - R - L; Cross R over L; Step L to Side
1Rock forward on R (towards 10:30 diagonal)
2 aRecover L; Make ⅜ turn right stepping forward on R (3:00)
3Step L slightly in front of L making ¾ spiral right weighting L foot (returning to 12:00)
4Step R to right side
5 6 7Sway left; Sway right; Sway left
8 aCross R over L; Step L to left side
[17-24]: Step R back w/ L sweep; L Behind - ¼ Turn Right (3:00) w/ R Forward - Step L Forward and Make ½ Turn Right (9:00); Step R Back while reaching left hand forward; ½ Left Shuffle LRL (3:00); ½ Left Shuffle RLR (9:00); Rock Forward L; Recover R
1Step back on R foot sweeping L from front to back
2 aStep L behind R; Make ¼ turn right (3:00) stepping R forward
3Step L Forward and make ½ turn right (9:00)
4Step R back while reaching left hand forward
5&aShuffle forward (LRL) making a ½ turn to the left (3:00)
6&aShuffle back (RLR) making a ½ turn to the left (9:00)
7Rock forward on L
8Recover on R
[25-32]: Step L and Sweep R Forward into ¼ Diamond Fallaway Left (ending at 12:00); ½ Chasse Turn Left (6:00); Step forward L; Step R next to L
1Step forward on L sweeping R from back to front
2 aCross R over L; Make ⅛ turn right stepping back on L (10:30)
3Step back on R
4 aStep L behind R; Make ⅛ turn right stepping R to right side (12:00)
5Step L forward
6 aStep R forward; Make ½ turn left stepping L forward (6:00)
7Step R forward
8 aStep forward on L; Step R next to L (Note: These steps begin a forward coaster step leading into the beginning of the dance)
TAG: Done once after wall 2 facing 12:00. Note: This is a flat rhythm, not syncopated.
[1-4]: Step back on L w/ R Sweep; Step R behind L; ¼ Turn Left Stepping L forward (9:00); ¼ Turn Left Stepping R to R side (6:00); Touch L next to R
1Step back on L foot sweeping R from front to back
2 &Step R behind L; Make ¼ turn left (9:00) stepping L forward
3Make ¼ turn left (6:00) stepping R to right side
4Touch L next to R.
ENDING: Dance will end on Wall 6 on count 20 reaching left hand out forward towards 9:00.
Last Update: 16 Oct 2024
Tag after Wall 2 facing 12:00
Start after 4 counts
[1-8]: Step L back w/ R Sweep; Step R Behind - ¼ Turn Left (9:00) stepping L Forward - Full Left Spiral on R; Press L Forward; Step R back w/ L Sweep; Turning Behind-Side-Press (towards 10:30); Beginning of Syncopated Coaster Step.
1Step back on L foot sweeping R from front to back
2 aStep R behind L; Make ¼ turn left (9:00) stepping L forward
3Step R slightly in front of L making full spiral left (weighting R foot)
4Press forward on L foot
5Step back on R foot sweeping L from front to back
6 a7Step L behind R; Step R to Right while Making ⅛ Turn Right (10:30); Press L forward
8 aRecover R; Step L next to R
[9-16]: Rock R forward (End of Coaster Step); Recover L - Make ⅜ Turn Right (3:00) stepping R forward - ¾ Right Spiral on L (to 12:00); Step R to right side; Sway L - R - L; Cross R over L; Step L to Side
1Rock forward on R (towards 10:30 diagonal)
2 aRecover L; Make ⅜ turn right stepping forward on R (3:00)
3Step L slightly in front of L making ¾ spiral right weighting L foot (returning to 12:00)
4Step R to right side
5 6 7Sway left; Sway right; Sway left
8 aCross R over L; Step L to left side
[17-24]: Step R back w/ L sweep; L Behind - ¼ Turn Right (3:00) w/ R Forward - Step L Forward and Make ½ Turn Right (9:00); Step R Back while reaching left hand forward; ½ Left Shuffle LRL (3:00); ½ Left Shuffle RLR (9:00); Rock Forward L; Recover R
1Step back on R foot sweeping L from front to back
2 aStep L behind R; Make ¼ turn right (3:00) stepping R forward
3Step L Forward and make ½ turn right (9:00)
4Step R back while reaching left hand forward
5&aShuffle forward (LRL) making a ½ turn to the left (3:00)
6&aShuffle back (RLR) making a ½ turn to the left (9:00)
7Rock forward on L
8Recover on R
[25-32]: Step L and Sweep R Forward into ¼ Diamond Fallaway Left (ending at 12:00); ½ Chasse Turn Left (6:00); Step forward L; Step R next to L
1Step forward on L sweeping R from back to front
2 aCross R over L; Make ⅛ turn right stepping back on L (10:30)
3Step back on R
4 aStep L behind R; Make ⅛ turn right stepping R to right side (12:00)
5Step L forward
6 aStep R forward; Make ½ turn left stepping L forward (6:00)
7Step R forward
8 aStep forward on L; Step R next to L (Note: These steps begin a forward coaster step leading into the beginning of the dance)
TAG: Done once after wall 2 facing 12:00. Note: This is a flat rhythm, not syncopated.
[1-4]: Step back on L w/ R Sweep; Step R behind L; ¼ Turn Left Stepping L forward (9:00); ¼ Turn Left Stepping R to R side (6:00); Touch L next to R
1Step back on L foot sweeping R from front to back
2 &Step R behind L; Make ¼ turn left (9:00) stepping L forward
3Make ¼ turn left (6:00) stepping R to right side
4Touch L next to R.
ENDING: Dance will end on Wall 6 on count 20 reaching left hand out forward towards 9:00.
Last Update: 16 Oct 2024