Intro: 16 counts
(1-8) Kick and points with right and left foot; step and points with right and left foot
1&2Kick with right (1), step forward on right (&), point left to side (2)
3&4Kick with left (3), step forward on left (&), point right to side (4)
5,6Cross right over left, point to side with left
7,8Cross left over right, point to the side with right.
(9-16)Slides to right and left with arms extended; point left, right, left step forward right
1,2&Slide to right side (extending right arm up and at a diagonal and left arm down and at a diagonal), step left next to right (2), step right next to left (&)
3,4Slide to left side (extending left arm up and at a diagonal and right arm down and at a diagonal), recover to right
5&Point left to side, step left next to right
6&Point right to side, step right next to left
7&8Point left to side, step left next to right, step forward on right.
(17-24) Rock back and forward; twist; left knee up
1-4(Left is slightly behind right) Lean back on left heel, lean forward on right heel; repeat
5&6&Twist to right, recover; repeat
7&8Lift left knee up, bringing heel in, out, in.
(25-32) Heel jacks; ¼ turn left; Kat Daddy
&1&2Step left (&), cross right over left (1), step left (&), heel with right (2),
&3&4Step on right (&), cross left over right (3), step right (&) heel with left (4),
&5,6Step left next to right (&), cross over with right (5), pivot ¼ turn to left (6)
7-8.Bend knees (get low) and roll arms forward; repeat (7,8).
Counts 7, 8 is called Kat Daddy
(33-40) 3 Step taps; triple step
1-6Step back with right, tap left next to right; step back with left, tap right next to left; step back with right, tap left next to right
7&8Step in place left, right, left.
Special thanks to Jean McAfee and Sue Krause for step sheet creation and edits.
Questions, comments: joel@bakersfieldlinedancing.com
(1-8) Kick and points with right and left foot; step and points with right and left foot
1&2Kick with right (1), step forward on right (&), point left to side (2)
3&4Kick with left (3), step forward on left (&), point right to side (4)
5,6Cross right over left, point to side with left
7,8Cross left over right, point to the side with right.
(9-16)Slides to right and left with arms extended; point left, right, left step forward right
1,2&Slide to right side (extending right arm up and at a diagonal and left arm down and at a diagonal), step left next to right (2), step right next to left (&)
3,4Slide to left side (extending left arm up and at a diagonal and right arm down and at a diagonal), recover to right
5&Point left to side, step left next to right
6&Point right to side, step right next to left
7&8Point left to side, step left next to right, step forward on right.
(17-24) Rock back and forward; twist; left knee up
1-4(Left is slightly behind right) Lean back on left heel, lean forward on right heel; repeat
5&6&Twist to right, recover; repeat
7&8Lift left knee up, bringing heel in, out, in.
(25-32) Heel jacks; ¼ turn left; Kat Daddy
&1&2Step left (&), cross right over left (1), step left (&), heel with right (2),
&3&4Step on right (&), cross left over right (3), step right (&) heel with left (4),
&5,6Step left next to right (&), cross over with right (5), pivot ¼ turn to left (6)
7-8.Bend knees (get low) and roll arms forward; repeat (7,8).
Counts 7, 8 is called Kat Daddy
(33-40) 3 Step taps; triple step
1-6Step back with right, tap left next to right; step back with left, tap right next to left; step back with right, tap left next to right
7&8Step in place left, right, left.
Special thanks to Jean McAfee and Sue Krause for step sheet creation and edits.
Questions, comments: joel@bakersfieldlinedancing.com