Restarts: 3
INTRO: 16 Counts on Vocals
Vine R, Vine L
1234Step side R, step L behind R, step R to side, touch L beside R
5678Step side L, R behind L, step L to side, touch R beside L
Lock R Diagonal Scuff, Lock L Diagonal Touch R **
1234Step Fwd R, step L close behind R, step R Fwd, scuff L Fwd beside R
5678Step Fwd L, step R close behind L, step Fwd L, touch R beside L
Diagonal Back, RLRL
1234Step back R diag, touch L beside R, step back L diag, touch R beside L
5678Repeat above 4 counts
Touch R to Side x 2, Touch L to Side x 2 * / ***
1234Touch Side R, close beside L, repeat, (ending with weight on R)
5678Touch side L, close beside R, repeat (ending with weight on L)
Rocking Chair R, 2 x 1/4 Paddles L
1234Rock Fwd R, replace onto L, rock back R, replace onto L
5678Step Fwd R, 1/4 turn on L (weight on L), step Fwd R, 1/4 turn on L (weight on L)
“V” Step, Hips RLRL
1234Step R out R diag (weight on R), Step L out L diag (weight on L) Close R to centre, close L to centre
5678Hips RL RL
* Wall 2 and Wall 6, Dance to count 24, will be facing 6.00 Restart
** Wall 4, Dance to count 16, will be facing 12.00. Restart
FINISH: *** Wall 8, Dance to count 24, will be facing 12.00 to finish
Glenda Silver: Footlooselinedancers.net Email: glendaksilver@gmail.com Mobile: 0427927019
INTRO: 16 Counts on Vocals
Vine R, Vine L
1234Step side R, step L behind R, step R to side, touch L beside R
5678Step side L, R behind L, step L to side, touch R beside L
Lock R Diagonal Scuff, Lock L Diagonal Touch R **
1234Step Fwd R, step L close behind R, step R Fwd, scuff L Fwd beside R
5678Step Fwd L, step R close behind L, step Fwd L, touch R beside L
Diagonal Back, RLRL
1234Step back R diag, touch L beside R, step back L diag, touch R beside L
5678Repeat above 4 counts
Touch R to Side x 2, Touch L to Side x 2 * / ***
1234Touch Side R, close beside L, repeat, (ending with weight on R)
5678Touch side L, close beside R, repeat (ending with weight on L)
Rocking Chair R, 2 x 1/4 Paddles L
1234Rock Fwd R, replace onto L, rock back R, replace onto L
5678Step Fwd R, 1/4 turn on L (weight on L), step Fwd R, 1/4 turn on L (weight on L)
“V” Step, Hips RLRL
1234Step R out R diag (weight on R), Step L out L diag (weight on L) Close R to centre, close L to centre
5678Hips RL RL
* Wall 2 and Wall 6, Dance to count 24, will be facing 6.00 Restart
** Wall 4, Dance to count 16, will be facing 12.00. Restart
FINISH: *** Wall 8, Dance to count 24, will be facing 12.00 to finish
Glenda Silver: Footlooselinedancers.net Email: glendaksilver@gmail.com Mobile: 0427927019