Intro : 16 comptes
(1-8) Sugar Foot Right, Hold, Sugar Foot Left, Hold
1-2Touch right toe in towards in left foot - Touch right heel in towards in left foot
3-4Step right forward - hold
5-6Touch left toe in towards in right foot - Touch left heel in towards in right foot
7-8Step left forward - hold
(9-16) Mambo right cross, Hold, Mambo left cross, Hold
1-4Rock R to right side, recover weight onto L, cross R over L, hold
5-8Rock L to left side, recover weight onto R, cross L over R, hold
*** Restart here Wall 4 ***
(17-24) Rocking chair, step ¼ turn, cross, hold
1-4Rock forward on R, recover weight onto L, Rock R back, recover weight onto L
5-8Step R forward, Pivot turn ¼ L (9 o’clock), Cross R over L, Hold
(25-32) Rumba box Fwd x2
1-4Step L to left, step R together to left, Step L forward, Drag R to left
5-8Step R to right, step L together to right, Step right forward, step left forward
*** TAG 8 counts (make waves with your arms) at the end of wall 9 ***
(1-8) Sugar Foot Right, Hold, Sugar Foot Left, Hold
1-2Touch right toe in towards in left foot - Touch right heel in towards in left foot
3-4Step right forward - hold
5-6Touch left toe in towards in right foot - Touch left heel in towards in right foot
7-8Step left forward - hold
(9-16) Mambo right cross, Hold, Mambo left cross, Hold
1-4Rock R to right side, recover weight onto L, cross R over L, hold
5-8Rock L to left side, recover weight onto R, cross L over R, hold
*** Restart here Wall 4 ***
(17-24) Rocking chair, step ¼ turn, cross, hold
1-4Rock forward on R, recover weight onto L, Rock R back, recover weight onto L
5-8Step R forward, Pivot turn ¼ L (9 o’clock), Cross R over L, Hold
(25-32) Rumba box Fwd x2
1-4Step L to left, step R together to left, Step L forward, Drag R to left
5-8Step R to right, step L together to right, Step right forward, step left forward
*** TAG 8 counts (make waves with your arms) at the end of wall 9 ***