Intro: 16 count - No Tags
*1 - Wall 4 after 16 counts
*2 - Wall 8 after 24 counts
*3 - Wall 9 after 16 counts
[1-8] Side, Hold, Ball, Side, Hold, Figure 8 (ish)
1 - 2Step R Side (1), Hold (2)
&3 - 4Step L next to R (&), Step R Side (3), Hold (4)
5 - 6Cross L behind R (5), Step R Side making a ¼ turn right (6)
7 - 8Step L fwd (7), ½ pivot right placing weight on R (8)
[9-16] Figure 8 (ish) cont., Side, Behind Side Cross
1 - 2Step L Side making a ¼ right (1), Step R behind L (2)
3 - 4Step L fwd making ¼ turn L (3), Step R fwd (4)
5 - 6½ pivot left placing weight on L (5), Step R Side making ¼ turn left (6)
7 & 8Cross L behind R (7), Step R Side (&), Cross L over R (8)
[17-24] Side Rock, Sailor, ¼ Sailor, Step ½ Pivot
1 - 2Rock R side (1), Recover L (2)
3 & 4Step R behind L (3), Step L Side (&), Step R Side (4)
5 & 6Step L behind R (5), Step R Side making ¼ turn left (&), Step L Fwd (6)
7 - 8Step R fwd (7), ½ pivot left placing weight on L (8)
[25-32] Hip Bump x2, Sway x4
1 - 2Step R fwd (1), Bump Hip right (2)
3 - 4Step L fwd (3), Bump Hip left (4)
5 - 6Sway hips right (5), Sway hips left (6)
7 - 8Sway hips right (7), Sway hips left (8)
Last Update: 2 Oct 2024
*1 - Wall 4 after 16 counts
*2 - Wall 8 after 24 counts
*3 - Wall 9 after 16 counts
[1-8] Side, Hold, Ball, Side, Hold, Figure 8 (ish)
1 - 2Step R Side (1), Hold (2)
&3 - 4Step L next to R (&), Step R Side (3), Hold (4)
5 - 6Cross L behind R (5), Step R Side making a ¼ turn right (6)
7 - 8Step L fwd (7), ½ pivot right placing weight on R (8)
[9-16] Figure 8 (ish) cont., Side, Behind Side Cross
1 - 2Step L Side making a ¼ right (1), Step R behind L (2)
3 - 4Step L fwd making ¼ turn L (3), Step R fwd (4)
5 - 6½ pivot left placing weight on L (5), Step R Side making ¼ turn left (6)
7 & 8Cross L behind R (7), Step R Side (&), Cross L over R (8)
[17-24] Side Rock, Sailor, ¼ Sailor, Step ½ Pivot
1 - 2Rock R side (1), Recover L (2)
3 & 4Step R behind L (3), Step L Side (&), Step R Side (4)
5 & 6Step L behind R (5), Step R Side making ¼ turn left (&), Step L Fwd (6)
7 - 8Step R fwd (7), ½ pivot left placing weight on L (8)
[25-32] Hip Bump x2, Sway x4
1 - 2Step R fwd (1), Bump Hip right (2)
3 - 4Step L fwd (3), Bump Hip left (4)
5 - 6Sway hips right (5), Sway hips left (6)
7 - 8Sway hips right (7), Sway hips left (8)
Last Update: 2 Oct 2024