Intro: 8 counts
[1-8] Kick and point 2X, Kick forward, touch back, walk back 2X
1&2Kick R, point L side
3&4Kick L, point R side
5&6Kick R fwd, point L Back
7,8Step back R, L
[9-16] Reverse rocking chair, Sweeps backward 4X
1,2Rock back R w/body roll, recover onto L
3,4Rock fwd R, recover onto L
5,6Step back R and sweep L, step back L and sweep R
7,8&Step back R and sweep L, step back L and sweep R, step L in place
[17-24] Samba step, point switches 2X, hitch and point 2X
1&2Cross R over L, step L out L, step R out R
&3&4Step L together, Point R to R side, Step R together, point L to L side
&5&6Step L together, hitch L, replace L, point R to R side
&7&8Step R together, hitch R, replace R, point L to L
[25-32] Slow sweep forward 2X, hitch, 1/4 turning jazz box
1,2Step L forward, sweep R back to front
3,4Step R forward, Sweep L back to front and step onto L
&5, 6Hitch R, cross R over L, step back L making 1/4 turn to 3:00
7,8Step R out to R, Step L next to R
Restart on wall 4 after 8 counts
[1-8] Kick and point 2X, Kick forward, touch back, walk back 2X
1&2Kick R, point L side
3&4Kick L, point R side
5&6Kick R fwd, point L Back
7,8Step back R, L
[9-16] Reverse rocking chair, Sweeps backward 4X
1,2Rock back R w/body roll, recover onto L
3,4Rock fwd R, recover onto L
5,6Step back R and sweep L, step back L and sweep R
7,8&Step back R and sweep L, step back L and sweep R, step L in place
[17-24] Samba step, point switches 2X, hitch and point 2X
1&2Cross R over L, step L out L, step R out R
&3&4Step L together, Point R to R side, Step R together, point L to L side
&5&6Step L together, hitch L, replace L, point R to R side
&7&8Step R together, hitch R, replace R, point L to L
[25-32] Slow sweep forward 2X, hitch, 1/4 turning jazz box
1,2Step L forward, sweep R back to front
3,4Step R forward, Sweep L back to front and step onto L
&5, 6Hitch R, cross R over L, step back L making 1/4 turn to 3:00
7,8Step R out to R, Step L next to R
Restart on wall 4 after 8 counts