Restart: Wall 5 after 16 counts (facing 3:00)
Intro: 32 counts, start with weight on L
(1-8) Side, together, forward lock, 1/2 right pivot, 1/4 right turning chasse
1,2Step R to right, close L
3&4Step R forward, lock L behind, step R forward
5,6Step L forward, pivot 1/2 right [6:00]
7&8Continue turning 1/4 right stepping L to left, close R, step L to left [9:00]
(9-16) Cross behind, side, crossing shuffle, side rock, 1/2 left sailor
1,2Cross R behind L, step L to left
3&4Cross R over L, step L to left, cross R over L
5,6Rock L to left, recover R
7&8Sweep L behind R while turning 1/2 left, close R, step L forward [3:00]
*restart Wall 5 facing [3:00]
(17-24) 1/2 left turn with slow sweep, back rock, recover, spiral, walk, walk
1,2Turn 1/2 left stepping R back sweeping L from front to back, continue sweep [9:00]
3,4Rock L back, recover R
5,6Step L forward, full right turn spiral on L
7,8Step R forward, step L forward
(25-32) 1/4 left pivot, 1/4 left pivot, cross and close, kick ball cross
1,2Step R forward, pivot 1/4 left [6:00]
3,4Step R forward, pivot 1/4 left [3:00]
5,6Cross R over L, step L next to R (angling to right diagonal)
7&8Kick R to right diagonal, step R next to L, cross L over R
Square up to [3:00] when starting the dance again on count 1.
Ending: The dance ends facing [6:00]. Unwind 1/2 turn right to face [12:00].
Contact the choreographers with your questions:
Brenda: brenshatto@yahoo.com; Barbara: barbara.tobin@yahoo.com
Intro: 32 counts, start with weight on L
(1-8) Side, together, forward lock, 1/2 right pivot, 1/4 right turning chasse
1,2Step R to right, close L
3&4Step R forward, lock L behind, step R forward
5,6Step L forward, pivot 1/2 right [6:00]
7&8Continue turning 1/4 right stepping L to left, close R, step L to left [9:00]
(9-16) Cross behind, side, crossing shuffle, side rock, 1/2 left sailor
1,2Cross R behind L, step L to left
3&4Cross R over L, step L to left, cross R over L
5,6Rock L to left, recover R
7&8Sweep L behind R while turning 1/2 left, close R, step L forward [3:00]
*restart Wall 5 facing [3:00]
(17-24) 1/2 left turn with slow sweep, back rock, recover, spiral, walk, walk
1,2Turn 1/2 left stepping R back sweeping L from front to back, continue sweep [9:00]
3,4Rock L back, recover R
5,6Step L forward, full right turn spiral on L
7,8Step R forward, step L forward
(25-32) 1/4 left pivot, 1/4 left pivot, cross and close, kick ball cross
1,2Step R forward, pivot 1/4 left [6:00]
3,4Step R forward, pivot 1/4 left [3:00]
5,6Cross R over L, step L next to R (angling to right diagonal)
7&8Kick R to right diagonal, step R next to L, cross L over R
Square up to [3:00] when starting the dance again on count 1.
Ending: The dance ends facing [6:00]. Unwind 1/2 turn right to face [12:00].
Contact the choreographers with your questions:
Brenda: brenshatto@yahoo.com; Barbara: barbara.tobin@yahoo.com