Restarts on Walls 2 and 4
Tag after Wall 2
Freestyle pause during Wall 5
1&2&R vine
3&4&L vine
5 6Stomp R-L
7 8Raise both hands up while fluttering fingers indicating “bring it” (Patrick Mahomes next play gesture)
9 10R rock, L recover
11&12R sailor step 1/4 turn R
13(facing 3:00) Step forward L
14 15 16Stomp R x2 then R scuff
17 18(facing 3:00) R rock, L recover
19&20R turning shuffle step 1/2 turn R (facing 9:00)
21 221/4 turn R while rocking on L, R side recover (facing 12:00)
23&24L reverse-R side-L cross
25 26R stomp, hitch 1/4 turn R
27&28(facing 3:00) R coaster step
29&30L hip grind
31&32L coaster step
33&34&35&36&R K-step
37 38 39 40Walk R-L-R-L in a left C shape (facing 6:00)
Restarts: Walls 2 and 4 (facing 6:00): first 8 counts, then restart after Patrick Mahomes next play gesture
Tag: After Wall 2 (facing 12:00): TOMAHAWK CHOP 4 counts
Freestyle: During Wall 5 (after reverse-side-cross) stomp R, "bring it on" open arms for 4 beats
Questions? Email d3stepper@gmail.com
Tag after Wall 2
Freestyle pause during Wall 5
1&2&R vine
3&4&L vine
5 6Stomp R-L
7 8Raise both hands up while fluttering fingers indicating “bring it” (Patrick Mahomes next play gesture)
9 10R rock, L recover
11&12R sailor step 1/4 turn R
13(facing 3:00) Step forward L
14 15 16Stomp R x2 then R scuff
17 18(facing 3:00) R rock, L recover
19&20R turning shuffle step 1/2 turn R (facing 9:00)
21 221/4 turn R while rocking on L, R side recover (facing 12:00)
23&24L reverse-R side-L cross
25 26R stomp, hitch 1/4 turn R
27&28(facing 3:00) R coaster step
29&30L hip grind
31&32L coaster step
33&34&35&36&R K-step
37 38 39 40Walk R-L-R-L in a left C shape (facing 6:00)
Restarts: Walls 2 and 4 (facing 6:00): first 8 counts, then restart after Patrick Mahomes next play gesture
Tag: After Wall 2 (facing 12:00): TOMAHAWK CHOP 4 counts
Freestyle: During Wall 5 (after reverse-side-cross) stomp R, "bring it on" open arms for 4 beats
Questions? Email d3stepper@gmail.com