** 2 Tags / 1 Restart
Intro: 8 Counts – Weight starts left foot
[1-8] Wizard Step, Side Step, Cross & Hitch Rondé, Behind, Side, Cross, Hop Touch x2
1-2&Step RF forward diagonally R, Lock LF behind RF, Step RF forward diagonally R (12:00)
3-4Step LF forward diagonally L, Cross RF behind LF while hitching LF around behind RF (12:00)
5&6Cross LF behind RF, Step RF to R side, Cross LF over RF (12:00)
&7&8Hop to R onto RF, Touch LF next to RF, Hop to L onto LF, touch RF next to LF (12:00)
[9-16] Side Rock, ½ Triple Step, ¼ Sailor Step, Camel Walk RL
1-2Rock RF to R side, Recover weight LF (12:00)
3&4Step RF diagonally in front of LF w/ ¼ turn L, Step LF next to RF, Step RF forward while turning ¼ L (6:00)
5&6Step LF behind RF w/ ¼ turn L, Step RF back, Step LF forward (3:00)
7-8Step RF forward while popping L knee, Step LF forward while popping R knee (3:00)
Restart Note: Restart happens 16 counts into wall 7 facing 9:00
[17-24] Rock Step, Slide Back, Coaster Step, ¾ Turn
1-2Rock RF forward, Recover weight LF (3:00)
3-4Large RF step back while dragging/sliding LF back (3:00)
5&6Step LF back, Step RF next to LF, Step LF forward (3:00)
7-8Step RF forward w/ ¼ turn L, step LF behind RF w/ ½ turn L (6:00)
[25-32] Ball, Side Rock, Ball, Side Rock, ¼ Jazz Box
&1-2Ball RF next to LF, Rock LF to L side, Recover weight RF (6:00)
&3-4Ball LF next to RF, Rock RF to R side, Recover weight LF (6:00)
5-6Cross RF over LF, Step LF diagonal back w/ 1⁄8 turn R (7:30)
7-8Step RF to R side w/ 1⁄8 turn R, Step LF forward (9:00)
TAG occurs at the end of wall 1 facing 9:00, and again at the end of wall 4 facing 12:00
[1-8] R Side Point, Drag, Ball, Side Point, Drag
1-4Point RF to R side (1), Slowly Drag RF towards LF (2-3-4)
&5-8Ball RF next to LF (&), Point LF to L side (5), Slowly Drag LF towards RF (6-7-8)
[9-16] Ball, Cross, Hold, Full Unwind, Step RF, Step LF, Roll Hips
&1-2Ball LF next to RF, Cross RF over LF, Hold
3-4Full Unwind 360° over L shoulder
5-6Step RF diagonal R, Step LF diagonal L
7-8Roll Hips around counter-clockwise w/ weight ending on LF
Intro: 8 Counts – Weight starts left foot
[1-8] Wizard Step, Side Step, Cross & Hitch Rondé, Behind, Side, Cross, Hop Touch x2
1-2&Step RF forward diagonally R, Lock LF behind RF, Step RF forward diagonally R (12:00)
3-4Step LF forward diagonally L, Cross RF behind LF while hitching LF around behind RF (12:00)
5&6Cross LF behind RF, Step RF to R side, Cross LF over RF (12:00)
&7&8Hop to R onto RF, Touch LF next to RF, Hop to L onto LF, touch RF next to LF (12:00)
[9-16] Side Rock, ½ Triple Step, ¼ Sailor Step, Camel Walk RL
1-2Rock RF to R side, Recover weight LF (12:00)
3&4Step RF diagonally in front of LF w/ ¼ turn L, Step LF next to RF, Step RF forward while turning ¼ L (6:00)
5&6Step LF behind RF w/ ¼ turn L, Step RF back, Step LF forward (3:00)
7-8Step RF forward while popping L knee, Step LF forward while popping R knee (3:00)
Restart Note: Restart happens 16 counts into wall 7 facing 9:00
[17-24] Rock Step, Slide Back, Coaster Step, ¾ Turn
1-2Rock RF forward, Recover weight LF (3:00)
3-4Large RF step back while dragging/sliding LF back (3:00)
5&6Step LF back, Step RF next to LF, Step LF forward (3:00)
7-8Step RF forward w/ ¼ turn L, step LF behind RF w/ ½ turn L (6:00)
[25-32] Ball, Side Rock, Ball, Side Rock, ¼ Jazz Box
&1-2Ball RF next to LF, Rock LF to L side, Recover weight RF (6:00)
&3-4Ball LF next to RF, Rock RF to R side, Recover weight LF (6:00)
5-6Cross RF over LF, Step LF diagonal back w/ 1⁄8 turn R (7:30)
7-8Step RF to R side w/ 1⁄8 turn R, Step LF forward (9:00)
TAG occurs at the end of wall 1 facing 9:00, and again at the end of wall 4 facing 12:00
[1-8] R Side Point, Drag, Ball, Side Point, Drag
1-4Point RF to R side (1), Slowly Drag RF towards LF (2-3-4)
&5-8Ball RF next to LF (&), Point LF to L side (5), Slowly Drag LF towards RF (6-7-8)
[9-16] Ball, Cross, Hold, Full Unwind, Step RF, Step LF, Roll Hips
&1-2Ball LF next to RF, Cross RF over LF, Hold
3-4Full Unwind 360° over L shoulder
5-6Step RF diagonal R, Step LF diagonal L
7-8Roll Hips around counter-clockwise w/ weight ending on LF