Beginner Circle
Intro: 32 counts
Step kick, step touch, x 2
1234Step R to side kick L across, step L touch R next to L
567Step R to side kick L across, step L touch R next to L
Walk fwd with hitch, walk back with touch
1234Walk fwd 3 Steps RLR hitch L
5678Walk back 3 steps LRL touch R next to L
Side hold touch behind, x2
1234Big step R to side hold, touch L toe behind R hold
Swing both arm at waist height from left to right
5678Big step L to side hold, touch R toe behind L hold
Swing both arm at waist height from right to left
Step diagonal together fwd touch, Step L ⅛ left fwd together fwd touch
1234Step R diagonal to 1.30 Corner, step L together, step R fwd touch L next to R
5678Step L ⅛ left fwd Step R together Step L fwd touch R
Dancers form a circle and face the same direction proceeding the dance anticlockwise.
Happy party dancing!
Contact: williewkyeung@gmail.com
Step kick, step touch, x 2
1234Step R to side kick L across, step L touch R next to L
567Step R to side kick L across, step L touch R next to L
Walk fwd with hitch, walk back with touch
1234Walk fwd 3 Steps RLR hitch L
5678Walk back 3 steps LRL touch R next to L
Side hold touch behind, x2
1234Big step R to side hold, touch L toe behind R hold
Swing both arm at waist height from left to right
5678Big step L to side hold, touch R toe behind L hold
Swing both arm at waist height from right to left
Step diagonal together fwd touch, Step L ⅛ left fwd together fwd touch
1234Step R diagonal to 1.30 Corner, step L together, step R fwd touch L next to R
5678Step L ⅛ left fwd Step R together Step L fwd touch R
Dancers form a circle and face the same direction proceeding the dance anticlockwise.
Happy party dancing!
Contact: williewkyeung@gmail.com