Intro: 32 cts – 0:19. - 2 Restarts.
S1. Walk Forward, Shuffle Forward, Rock Forward, Recover, Coaster Step
1-2RF step R, LF step forward
3&4RF step forward, LF step next to RF, RF step forward
5-6LF rock forward, RF recover
7&8LF step back, RF step next to LF, LF step forward
S2. Cross, ¼ Turn R, Chasse R, Cross, Side, Sailor ¼ Turn L
1-2RF cross over LF, ¼ turn R and LF step back (3:00)
3&4RF step R, LF step next to RF, RF step R
5-6LF cross over RF, RF step R
7&8¼ turn L and LF step back, RF step R, LF step L (12:00)
Restart W2 (3:00), and W5 (9:00)
S3. Step ¼ L X2, Cross, ¼ Turn R, R Shuffle Back
1-2RF step forward, ¼ turn L (9:00)
3-4RF step forward, ¼ turn L (6:00)
5-6RF cross over LF, ¼ turn R and LF step back (9:00)
7&8RF step back, LF step next to RF, RF step back
S4. Rock Back, Recover, Shuffle ½ Turn R, Back Touch X2, Rock Back - Hitch, Recover
1-2LF rock back, RF recover
3&4¼ turn R LF step L, RF step next to LF, ¼ turn R LF step back (3:00)
&5RF step back, LF touch next to RF
&6LF step back, RF touch next to LF
7-8RF rock back hitching L knee, LF recover forward
Restart W2 (3:00) after 16 counts, and W5 (9:00) after 16 counts.
Ending (9:00) S1. Dance up to ct 6, LF Step Back 7, ¼ Turn R and RF step R and drag LF to RF (12:00) 8.
S1. Walk Forward, Shuffle Forward, Rock Forward, Recover, Coaster Step
1-2RF step R, LF step forward
3&4RF step forward, LF step next to RF, RF step forward
5-6LF rock forward, RF recover
7&8LF step back, RF step next to LF, LF step forward
S2. Cross, ¼ Turn R, Chasse R, Cross, Side, Sailor ¼ Turn L
1-2RF cross over LF, ¼ turn R and LF step back (3:00)
3&4RF step R, LF step next to RF, RF step R
5-6LF cross over RF, RF step R
7&8¼ turn L and LF step back, RF step R, LF step L (12:00)
Restart W2 (3:00), and W5 (9:00)
S3. Step ¼ L X2, Cross, ¼ Turn R, R Shuffle Back
1-2RF step forward, ¼ turn L (9:00)
3-4RF step forward, ¼ turn L (6:00)
5-6RF cross over LF, ¼ turn R and LF step back (9:00)
7&8RF step back, LF step next to RF, RF step back
S4. Rock Back, Recover, Shuffle ½ Turn R, Back Touch X2, Rock Back - Hitch, Recover
1-2LF rock back, RF recover
3&4¼ turn R LF step L, RF step next to LF, ¼ turn R LF step back (3:00)
&5RF step back, LF touch next to RF
&6LF step back, RF touch next to LF
7-8RF rock back hitching L knee, LF recover forward
Restart W2 (3:00) after 16 counts, and W5 (9:00) after 16 counts.
Ending (9:00) S1. Dance up to ct 6, LF Step Back 7, ¼ Turn R and RF step R and drag LF to RF (12:00) 8.