Restart: wall 5 after 12 counts
Section 1: Right shuffle forward, left shuffle forward, Jazz box cross
1&2Step RF forward, step LF next to right, step RF forward.
3&4Step LF forward,step RF next to LF, step LF forward.
5-6Cross RT over left, step back on LF.
7-8Step RT to R side, Cross LF over R foot
Alternative step for counts 7-8
Kickball cross
7&8kick RF forward, step RF next to LF, Cross RF over LF
Section 2: Side shuffle Right, Back rock, Grapevine touch
1&2step RF to R side, step LF next to R, step RF to R side
3-4Rock back on LF, recover weight on RT.
Restart wall 5 (replace count 4 with touch)
5-6step LF to L side, cross RT behind LF
7-8Step LF to L side. Touch RF next to L
Section 3: & back clap x4
&1-2Hop back to R diagonal on RF foot, touch L next to R, clap
&3-4Hop back on L diagonal on LF foot, touch R next to L, clap
&5-6Hop back to R diagonal on RF foot, touch L next to R, clap
&7-8Hop back on L diagonal on LF foot, touch R next to L, clap
Section 4: figure of 8
1-2step RF to R side, cross LF behind R.
3-41/4 turn R stepping RF forward, step LF forward
5-6pivot ½ turn R, 1/4 turn R stepping LF to side.
7-8cross RF behind LF, 1/4 turn L stepping LF forward.
Diolch am dawnsio!
Enjoy contact : mattlewis69@hotmail.com / Ragjones8610@gmail.com
Section 1: Right shuffle forward, left shuffle forward, Jazz box cross
1&2Step RF forward, step LF next to right, step RF forward.
3&4Step LF forward,step RF next to LF, step LF forward.
5-6Cross RT over left, step back on LF.
7-8Step RT to R side, Cross LF over R foot
Alternative step for counts 7-8
Kickball cross
7&8kick RF forward, step RF next to LF, Cross RF over LF
Section 2: Side shuffle Right, Back rock, Grapevine touch
1&2step RF to R side, step LF next to R, step RF to R side
3-4Rock back on LF, recover weight on RT.
Restart wall 5 (replace count 4 with touch)
5-6step LF to L side, cross RT behind LF
7-8Step LF to L side. Touch RF next to L
Section 3: & back clap x4
&1-2Hop back to R diagonal on RF foot, touch L next to R, clap
&3-4Hop back on L diagonal on LF foot, touch R next to L, clap
&5-6Hop back to R diagonal on RF foot, touch L next to R, clap
&7-8Hop back on L diagonal on LF foot, touch R next to L, clap
Section 4: figure of 8
1-2step RF to R side, cross LF behind R.
3-41/4 turn R stepping RF forward, step LF forward
5-6pivot ½ turn R, 1/4 turn R stepping LF to side.
7-8cross RF behind LF, 1/4 turn L stepping LF forward.
Diolch am dawnsio!
Enjoy contact : mattlewis69@hotmail.com / Ragjones8610@gmail.com