Start dance on vocals - No Tags or Restarts
[1-12] Turning Basic Half Turn
1 2 3turn 1/4 L and step L forward, Step R to Side, Step L together (9:00)
4 5 6Step R back, Step L to Side, Step R together
1 2 3turn 1/4 L and step L forward, Step R to Side, Step L together (6:00)
4 5 6Step R back, Step L to Side, Step R together
[13-18] Balance Step L and R
1 2 3Step L to side, Step R behind L, Step L in place
4 5 6Step R to side, Step L behind R, Step R in place (6:00)
[19-24] Waltz 1/2 Turn
1 2 3Step L forward, turn 1⁄2 L and step R back, step L back (12:00)
4 5 6Step R back, step L together, step R together (12:00)
[25-36] Promenade Chasse L and R
1 2&3Cross L over R, Step R to side Step L together Step R to side
4 5 6Cross L over R, Step R in place, L to side
1 2&3Cross R over L, Step L to side Step R together Step L to side
4 5 6Cross R over L, Step L in place, R to side (12:00)
[37-42] Twinkle L & R
1 2 3Cross L over R, Step R to side, Step L together
4 5 6Cross R over L, Step L to side, Step R together (12:00)
[43-48] Waltz Full circle
1 2 3turn 1/6 R and step L forward, turn 1/6 R and Step R forward, turn 1/6 R and step L forward (6:00)
4 5 6turn 1/6 R and step R forward, turn 1/6 R and Step L forward, turn 1/6 R and step R forward (12:00)
Submitted by: Lorraine Young - Email: comprae@hotmail.com
[1-12] Turning Basic Half Turn
1 2 3turn 1/4 L and step L forward, Step R to Side, Step L together (9:00)
4 5 6Step R back, Step L to Side, Step R together
1 2 3turn 1/4 L and step L forward, Step R to Side, Step L together (6:00)
4 5 6Step R back, Step L to Side, Step R together
[13-18] Balance Step L and R
1 2 3Step L to side, Step R behind L, Step L in place
4 5 6Step R to side, Step L behind R, Step R in place (6:00)
[19-24] Waltz 1/2 Turn
1 2 3Step L forward, turn 1⁄2 L and step R back, step L back (12:00)
4 5 6Step R back, step L together, step R together (12:00)
[25-36] Promenade Chasse L and R
1 2&3Cross L over R, Step R to side Step L together Step R to side
4 5 6Cross L over R, Step R in place, L to side
1 2&3Cross R over L, Step L to side Step R together Step L to side
4 5 6Cross R over L, Step L in place, R to side (12:00)
[37-42] Twinkle L & R
1 2 3Cross L over R, Step R to side, Step L together
4 5 6Cross R over L, Step L to side, Step R together (12:00)
[43-48] Waltz Full circle
1 2 3turn 1/6 R and step L forward, turn 1/6 R and Step R forward, turn 1/6 R and step L forward (6:00)
4 5 6turn 1/6 R and step R forward, turn 1/6 R and Step L forward, turn 1/6 R and step R forward (12:00)
Submitted by: Lorraine Young - Email: comprae@hotmail.com