High Beginner
No Tags, No Restart, Start after 32 counts.
Sec.1 Rf Side Rock Recover Toe Strut, Lf Side Rock Recover Fwd Heel Hook
1-4Step R to R side rock Recover onto L, Rf toe strut next to L
5-8Step L to L side rock Recover, Lf forward heel touch and hook inward
Sec.2 Lf Lock Step Fwd Rf Side Point, Monterey 1/4 R Lf Side Point Hold Together
1-4Lf step lock step forward, Rf side point out to R
5-8Monterey 1/4 R Lf side point out to L, Hold, Lf together next to R
Sec.3 Rf Side Together Side 1/4 R Lf Scuff, Lf Fwd Touch Diagonal Back Touch
1-4Rf side to R together 1/4 R Lf scuff,
5-8Lf forward touch, Rf diagonal back touch
Sec.4 Lf Side Together Side 1/4 L Rf Side Point, Rf Touch In Point Out, Rf Hitch In Place
1-4Lf step to L side Rf together next to L, 1/4 L Rf point out to R
5-8Rf touch next to L, Rf point out R side, Rf hitch and touch next to Lf
Sec.1 Rf Side Rock Recover Toe Strut, Lf Side Rock Recover Fwd Heel Hook
1-4Step R to R side rock Recover onto L, Rf toe strut next to L
5-8Step L to L side rock Recover, Lf forward heel touch and hook inward
Sec.2 Lf Lock Step Fwd Rf Side Point, Monterey 1/4 R Lf Side Point Hold Together
1-4Lf step lock step forward, Rf side point out to R
5-8Monterey 1/4 R Lf side point out to L, Hold, Lf together next to R
Sec.3 Rf Side Together Side 1/4 R Lf Scuff, Lf Fwd Touch Diagonal Back Touch
1-4Rf side to R together 1/4 R Lf scuff,
5-8Lf forward touch, Rf diagonal back touch
Sec.4 Lf Side Together Side 1/4 L Rf Side Point, Rf Touch In Point Out, Rf Hitch In Place
1-4Lf step to L side Rf together next to L, 1/4 L Rf point out to R
5-8Rf touch next to L, Rf point out R side, Rf hitch and touch next to Lf