1-4Step (R) diagonal forward, touch (L), step (L) diagonal forward, touch (R)
5-8Step (R) diagonal backward, touch (L), step (L) diagonal backward, touch (R)
**Restart 2- after 8 counts of wall 9
1-4Right grapevine (Step R to the side, cross L behind R, step R to the side, touch L)
5-8Left grapevine (Step L to the side, cross L behind R, step L to the side, touch R)
1-4*Rock forward R with 1/4, recover L, step R together
5-8Rock backward L, recover forward R, step L together
*Restart 1- after 24 counts of wall 3
1-4Point (R) out to side, step together, point (L) out to side, step together
5-8Step diagonal on heel (R), step diagonal on heel (L), step back to center (R), step back to center (L)
Last Update: 11 Jul 2024
5-8Step (R) diagonal backward, touch (L), step (L) diagonal backward, touch (R)
**Restart 2- after 8 counts of wall 9
1-4Right grapevine (Step R to the side, cross L behind R, step R to the side, touch L)
5-8Left grapevine (Step L to the side, cross L behind R, step L to the side, touch R)
1-4*Rock forward R with 1/4, recover L, step R together
5-8Rock backward L, recover forward R, step L together
*Restart 1- after 24 counts of wall 3
1-4Point (R) out to side, step together, point (L) out to side, step together
5-8Step diagonal on heel (R), step diagonal on heel (L), step back to center (R), step back to center (L)
Last Update: 11 Jul 2024