Intro: 16 Counts (approx. 9s)
Section 1 [1-8] Side R, Step L Tog, R Chasse, Cross Rock, Recover, ¼ L Shuffle
1 2Step R to R side (1), Step L next to R (2)
3&4Step R to R side (3), Step L next to R (&), Step R to R side (4)
5 6Cross rock L over R (5), Recover on R (6)
7&8Make ¼ turn L stepping fwd on L (7), Step R next to L (&), Step fwd on L (8) 9:00
Section 2 [9-16] Step R, ½ Turn L With Hook, L Shuffle, R Jazz Box ¼ R Cross
1 2Step fwd on R (1), Make ½ turn L keeping weight back on R and hook L in front of R shin (2) 3:00
3&4Step fwd on L (3), Step R next to L (&), Step fwd on L (4)
5 6Cross step R over L (5), Make ¼ turn R stepping back on L (6) 6:00
7 8Step R to R side (7), Cross step L over R (8)
Section 3 [17-24] R Side Rock, Recover, R Back Rock, Recover, R Side Rock, Recover, Cross Shuffle
1 2Rock R out to R side (1), Recover on L (2)
3 4Rock back on R (3), Recover on L (4)
5 6Rock R out to R side (5), Recover on L (6)
7&8Cross step R over L (7), Step L to L side (&), Cross step R over L (8) 6:00
Section 4 [25-32] Walkaround ¾ Turn L, L Rock Fwd, Recover, L Coaster Cross
1234Make a ¾ L walkaround in a small circle stepping L (1), R (2), L (3), R (4) 9:00
5 6Rock fwd on L (5), Recover on R (6)
7&8Step back on L (7), Step R next to L (&), Cross step L over R (8)
During Wall 3 (which starts facing 6:00) dance up to and including Section 3, Count 6 then
replace the R Cross Shuffle (counts 7&8) with “Cross Rock R over L (7), Recover on L
(8)” and start the dance again facing 12:00.
At the end of the music, unwind ½ turn R to finish facing 12:00.
Have fun! - Contact: Leeh040595@icloud.com or Debmcwotzit@gmail.com
Section 1 [1-8] Side R, Step L Tog, R Chasse, Cross Rock, Recover, ¼ L Shuffle
1 2Step R to R side (1), Step L next to R (2)
3&4Step R to R side (3), Step L next to R (&), Step R to R side (4)
5 6Cross rock L over R (5), Recover on R (6)
7&8Make ¼ turn L stepping fwd on L (7), Step R next to L (&), Step fwd on L (8) 9:00
Section 2 [9-16] Step R, ½ Turn L With Hook, L Shuffle, R Jazz Box ¼ R Cross
1 2Step fwd on R (1), Make ½ turn L keeping weight back on R and hook L in front of R shin (2) 3:00
3&4Step fwd on L (3), Step R next to L (&), Step fwd on L (4)
5 6Cross step R over L (5), Make ¼ turn R stepping back on L (6) 6:00
7 8Step R to R side (7), Cross step L over R (8)
Section 3 [17-24] R Side Rock, Recover, R Back Rock, Recover, R Side Rock, Recover, Cross Shuffle
1 2Rock R out to R side (1), Recover on L (2)
3 4Rock back on R (3), Recover on L (4)
5 6Rock R out to R side (5), Recover on L (6)
7&8Cross step R over L (7), Step L to L side (&), Cross step R over L (8) 6:00
Section 4 [25-32] Walkaround ¾ Turn L, L Rock Fwd, Recover, L Coaster Cross
1234Make a ¾ L walkaround in a small circle stepping L (1), R (2), L (3), R (4) 9:00
5 6Rock fwd on L (5), Recover on R (6)
7&8Step back on L (7), Step R next to L (&), Cross step L over R (8)
During Wall 3 (which starts facing 6:00) dance up to and including Section 3, Count 6 then
replace the R Cross Shuffle (counts 7&8) with “Cross Rock R over L (7), Recover on L
(8)” and start the dance again facing 12:00.
At the end of the music, unwind ½ turn R to finish facing 12:00.
Have fun! - Contact: Leeh040595@icloud.com or Debmcwotzit@gmail.com