Intro is 16 counts – Starts with right foot, weight on left
[1-8] Lock Steps, Skates
1-2RF step forward at RT diagonal, LF steps behind RF
3&4RF step forward, LF steps behind RF, RF step forward,
5-6LF skate left, RF skate right
7&8LF skate left, RF skate right, LF skate left
[9-16] Rock, Heel Switches, Walk, Walk, Tap ¾ish Turn Hitch
1-2RF rocks forward at left diagonal, Recover on LF
&3&4RF steps next to LF, LF heel tap, LF steps next to RF, RF heel tap
5-6RF step backwards, LF step backwards
7&8RF tap toe behind you twice for 7&, 3/4ish turn to 3 o’clock wall over right shoulder with RF hitch
[17-24] Points, Coaster Step, Side Rock, Double Shuffle
&1-2RF steps next to LF, LF point side and then point LF front
3&4LF Coaster Step (LF steps back, RF steps next to LF, LF steps forward)
5-6RF rock side, recover on LF
7&8RF cross over left for double shuffle step towards the left
[25-32] Stomp Kick, Coaster Step, Walk, Walk, Heel Swivels, ¼ Turn Hitch
1-2LF Stomp next to RF and then kicks out with a ¼ turn over left shoulder to 12 o’clock
3&4LF Coaster Step (LF steps back, RF steps next to LF, LF steps forward)
5-6RF steps forward, LF stomps next to right
7&8Both Heels swivel left, center, left again with a ¼ turn over right shoulder and RF hitch to 3 o’clock
*Optional restart on Wall 3 after 28 counts. The way it’s choreographed, the dance syncs back with the song again after the bridge.)
Thank you for checking out my dance!
[1-8] Lock Steps, Skates
1-2RF step forward at RT diagonal, LF steps behind RF
3&4RF step forward, LF steps behind RF, RF step forward,
5-6LF skate left, RF skate right
7&8LF skate left, RF skate right, LF skate left
[9-16] Rock, Heel Switches, Walk, Walk, Tap ¾ish Turn Hitch
1-2RF rocks forward at left diagonal, Recover on LF
&3&4RF steps next to LF, LF heel tap, LF steps next to RF, RF heel tap
5-6RF step backwards, LF step backwards
7&8RF tap toe behind you twice for 7&, 3/4ish turn to 3 o’clock wall over right shoulder with RF hitch
[17-24] Points, Coaster Step, Side Rock, Double Shuffle
&1-2RF steps next to LF, LF point side and then point LF front
3&4LF Coaster Step (LF steps back, RF steps next to LF, LF steps forward)
5-6RF rock side, recover on LF
7&8RF cross over left for double shuffle step towards the left
[25-32] Stomp Kick, Coaster Step, Walk, Walk, Heel Swivels, ¼ Turn Hitch
1-2LF Stomp next to RF and then kicks out with a ¼ turn over left shoulder to 12 o’clock
3&4LF Coaster Step (LF steps back, RF steps next to LF, LF steps forward)
5-6RF steps forward, LF stomps next to right
7&8Both Heels swivel left, center, left again with a ¼ turn over right shoulder and RF hitch to 3 o’clock
*Optional restart on Wall 3 after 28 counts. The way it’s choreographed, the dance syncs back with the song again after the bridge.)
Thank you for checking out my dance!