The dance starts on lyrics (maó)
Section 1: Botafogo RL - Turn 3/8R Volta - Turn 1/8R Walk, Walk
1 a2Cross R over L, ball L to side, step R in place
3 a4Cross L over R, ball R to side, step L in place
5&6&Turn 1/4R step R forward, lock L behind R, turn 1/8R step R forward, lock L behind R (04:30)
7-8Turn 1/8R step R forward, step L forward (06:00)
Section 2: Walk (R/L) - Side Mambo - Walk (L/R) - Turn 1/4L Mambo
1-2Step R forward, step L forward
3&4Step R to side, recover on L, step R together
5-6Step L forward, step R forward
7&8Step L forward, recover on R, turn 1/4L step L to side (03:00)
Section 3: Diagonal Out (R/L) - Back Lock Shuffle (R/L) - Back Rock
1-2Step R diagonal out, step L diagonal out
3&4Step R back, lock L over R, step R back
5&6Step L back, lock R over L, step L back
7-8Step R back, recover on L
Section 4: Syncopated Rocking Chair - Pivot 1/2L - V Step
1&2&Rock R forward, recover on L, rock R back, recover on L
3-4Step R forward, turn 1/2L step L in place (09:00)
5-8Step R diagonal out, step L diagonal out, step R diagonal in, step L diagonal in
TAG 4C: Toe Strut
1-2Touch R toe forward, drop R heel
3-4Touch L toe forward, drop L heel
Do the TAG after:
Wall 3 & Wall 7 (03:00);
Wall 4 (12:00);
Wall 9 (09:00);
Wall 10 (06:00);
Wall 11 (Change the last 2 counts with: turn 1/4L Touch L toe forward, drop L heel for ending. Now you are facing 12:00)
Thank You
Section 1: Botafogo RL - Turn 3/8R Volta - Turn 1/8R Walk, Walk
1 a2Cross R over L, ball L to side, step R in place
3 a4Cross L over R, ball R to side, step L in place
5&6&Turn 1/4R step R forward, lock L behind R, turn 1/8R step R forward, lock L behind R (04:30)
7-8Turn 1/8R step R forward, step L forward (06:00)
Section 2: Walk (R/L) - Side Mambo - Walk (L/R) - Turn 1/4L Mambo
1-2Step R forward, step L forward
3&4Step R to side, recover on L, step R together
5-6Step L forward, step R forward
7&8Step L forward, recover on R, turn 1/4L step L to side (03:00)
Section 3: Diagonal Out (R/L) - Back Lock Shuffle (R/L) - Back Rock
1-2Step R diagonal out, step L diagonal out
3&4Step R back, lock L over R, step R back
5&6Step L back, lock R over L, step L back
7-8Step R back, recover on L
Section 4: Syncopated Rocking Chair - Pivot 1/2L - V Step
1&2&Rock R forward, recover on L, rock R back, recover on L
3-4Step R forward, turn 1/2L step L in place (09:00)
5-8Step R diagonal out, step L diagonal out, step R diagonal in, step L diagonal in
TAG 4C: Toe Strut
1-2Touch R toe forward, drop R heel
3-4Touch L toe forward, drop L heel
Do the TAG after:
Wall 3 & Wall 7 (03:00);
Wall 4 (12:00);
Wall 9 (09:00);
Wall 10 (06:00);
Wall 11 (Change the last 2 counts with: turn 1/4L Touch L toe forward, drop L heel for ending. Now you are facing 12:00)
Thank You