Absolute Beginner / Beginner - Line / contra
Wall: 4 (or 2 or circle with ½ R)
Choreography written for a request for an initiation
Start: 16 count – On the lyrics
No Tag – No Restart
(*Option arms: Watch the video)
[1-8] Point, Side, Point, Side, V-Step (* Option ARMS MOVEMENTS)
1-2Point RF over LF, RF to the R side
3-4Point LF over RF, LF to the L side
5-6RF FW on R diagonal, LF FW on L diagonal
7-8LF Back, RF next to LF
[9-16] Circle ¼ R*, Hold (**Option: Bump)
1-2-3-4Walk on circle ¼ R (*Option ½ R): R, L, R, LF next to RF
5-6-7-8Hold (**Option Bump) (Make Reels with your hands)
[17-24] Walk, Out, Out, Clap, In, In, Clap
1-2-3-4Walk FW: R, L, R, LF next to RF
&5-6Out RF FW on R diagonal, Out LF FW on L diagonal, Clap
&7-8RF Back, LF next to RF, Clap
[25-32] R Vine, Flick, L Vine, Flick (* Option: ARMS MOVEMENTS)
1-2RF to the R side, LF behind RF
3-4RF to the R side, Flick LF behind RF**(Final)
5-6LF to the L side, LF behind RF
7-8LF to the L side, Flick RF behind LF
**Final (28 counts): Start first vine and make ¼L
1-2RF to the R side, LF behind RF
3-4Make 1/4 L with RF back, L hitch FW
Smile et enjoy the dance
Contact: maellynedance@gmail.com
Last Update: 27 Jun 2024
Choreography written for a request for an initiation
Start: 16 count – On the lyrics
No Tag – No Restart
(*Option arms: Watch the video)
[1-8] Point, Side, Point, Side, V-Step (* Option ARMS MOVEMENTS)
1-2Point RF over LF, RF to the R side
3-4Point LF over RF, LF to the L side
5-6RF FW on R diagonal, LF FW on L diagonal
7-8LF Back, RF next to LF
[9-16] Circle ¼ R*, Hold (**Option: Bump)
1-2-3-4Walk on circle ¼ R (*Option ½ R): R, L, R, LF next to RF
5-6-7-8Hold (**Option Bump) (Make Reels with your hands)
[17-24] Walk, Out, Out, Clap, In, In, Clap
1-2-3-4Walk FW: R, L, R, LF next to RF
&5-6Out RF FW on R diagonal, Out LF FW on L diagonal, Clap
&7-8RF Back, LF next to RF, Clap
[25-32] R Vine, Flick, L Vine, Flick (* Option: ARMS MOVEMENTS)
1-2RF to the R side, LF behind RF
3-4RF to the R side, Flick LF behind RF**(Final)
5-6LF to the L side, LF behind RF
7-8LF to the L side, Flick RF behind LF
**Final (28 counts): Start first vine and make ¼L
1-2RF to the R side, LF behind RF
3-4Make 1/4 L with RF back, L hitch FW
Smile et enjoy the dance
Contact: maellynedance@gmail.com
Last Update: 27 Jun 2024