#16 count intro. 1 Restart on Wall 10.
[1-8] Out, Out, Hip Roll, Hitch, Body Roll w/ ¼ Turn, Paddle Turn ¼
&1,2Jump Out R, Out L, Hold (2) (12:00)
3,4Roll Hips Counter-clockwise, Hitch L w/ ¼ Turn L (9:00)
5,6Step Forward L with Body Roll (9:00)
7,8Paddle Turn L w/ Right Foot 2 times, no weight (6:00)
[9-16] Ball-Collect, Ball-Touch, Ball-Collect x 2
&1,2R Ball, Collect L to R, Hold (6:00)
&3,4R Ball, Touch L to R, Hold (6:00)
&5,6L Ball, Collect R to L, Hold (6:00)
&7,8L Ball, Collect R to L, Hold (6:00)
*Restart after 16 counts on Wall 10. Change Count 7 to a R Touch instead of Collect to have R Foot Free to Restart Dance.
[17-24] Side, Cross-Point, Side, Cross-Point, L Weave, Scuff
1,2Step L to L Side, Cross and Point R Over L (6:00)
3,4Step R to R Side, Cross and Point L Behind R (6:00)
5,6Step L to L Side, Cross R Behind L (6:00)
7,8Step L to L Side w/ ¼ Turn L, Scuff R (3:00)
[25-32] R Rock, Recover, ½ Turn R, R Heel, L Heel
1,2Rock Forward R, Recover L w/ ½ Turn R (9:00)
3,4Step Forward R, Step Forward L (9:00)
5,6R Heel, Close R to L (9:00)
7,8L Heel, Close L to R (9:00)
**Optional Styling: On counts 29-32 (last 4 counts of dance), lift L arm with R Heel, lift R arm with L Heel during chorus when the song sings “Moneymaker”.
Frederick Hodgin FrederickHodgin3@gmail.com
[1-8] Out, Out, Hip Roll, Hitch, Body Roll w/ ¼ Turn, Paddle Turn ¼
&1,2Jump Out R, Out L, Hold (2) (12:00)
3,4Roll Hips Counter-clockwise, Hitch L w/ ¼ Turn L (9:00)
5,6Step Forward L with Body Roll (9:00)
7,8Paddle Turn L w/ Right Foot 2 times, no weight (6:00)
[9-16] Ball-Collect, Ball-Touch, Ball-Collect x 2
&1,2R Ball, Collect L to R, Hold (6:00)
&3,4R Ball, Touch L to R, Hold (6:00)
&5,6L Ball, Collect R to L, Hold (6:00)
&7,8L Ball, Collect R to L, Hold (6:00)
*Restart after 16 counts on Wall 10. Change Count 7 to a R Touch instead of Collect to have R Foot Free to Restart Dance.
[17-24] Side, Cross-Point, Side, Cross-Point, L Weave, Scuff
1,2Step L to L Side, Cross and Point R Over L (6:00)
3,4Step R to R Side, Cross and Point L Behind R (6:00)
5,6Step L to L Side, Cross R Behind L (6:00)
7,8Step L to L Side w/ ¼ Turn L, Scuff R (3:00)
[25-32] R Rock, Recover, ½ Turn R, R Heel, L Heel
1,2Rock Forward R, Recover L w/ ½ Turn R (9:00)
3,4Step Forward R, Step Forward L (9:00)
5,6R Heel, Close R to L (9:00)
7,8L Heel, Close L to R (9:00)
**Optional Styling: On counts 29-32 (last 4 counts of dance), lift L arm with R Heel, lift R arm with L Heel during chorus when the song sings “Moneymaker”.
Frederick Hodgin FrederickHodgin3@gmail.com