**2 Restarts: Both start facing [6:00]:
Wall 3 after 16 counts (facing 9:00) and Wall 7 after 22 counts (facing 12:00)
Intro: 16 counts, start with weight on L
(1-8) Rock and coaster, 1/4 right turn stomp and hold, sailor
1,2Rock R forward, recover L
3&4Step R back, close L, step R forward
5,61/4 right turn stomp L to left, HOLD [3:00]
7&8Sweep R behind L, step L to left, step R to right
(9-16) Cross behind, side, cross shuffle, 2 side mambos
1,2Cross L behind R, step R to right
3&4Cross L over R, step R to right, cross L over R
5&6Rock R to right, recover L, close R
7&8Rock L to left, recover R, close L
*restart Wall 3 facing [9:00]
(17-24) 1/4 right turn jazz box with brush, brush, front mambo
1,2Cross R over L, step L back
3,41/4 right turn step R to right, brush L forward [6:00]
5,6Step L forward, brush R forward
*restart Wall 7 facing [12:00]
7&8Rock R forward, recover L, step R back
(25-32) 2 toe fans back, 1/4 left turn sailor, step, low hitch, coaster
1,2Step L back while fanning R toes out, step R back while fanning L toes out
3&4Sweep L behind R, 1/4 left turn step R to right, step L to left [3:00]
5,6Step R forward, hitch L toe next to R ankle
7&8Step L back, close R, step L forward
Contact the choreographer with your questions: barbara.tobin@yahoo.com
Last Update: 8 May 2024
Wall 3 after 16 counts (facing 9:00) and Wall 7 after 22 counts (facing 12:00)
Intro: 16 counts, start with weight on L
(1-8) Rock and coaster, 1/4 right turn stomp and hold, sailor
1,2Rock R forward, recover L
3&4Step R back, close L, step R forward
5,61/4 right turn stomp L to left, HOLD [3:00]
7&8Sweep R behind L, step L to left, step R to right
(9-16) Cross behind, side, cross shuffle, 2 side mambos
1,2Cross L behind R, step R to right
3&4Cross L over R, step R to right, cross L over R
5&6Rock R to right, recover L, close R
7&8Rock L to left, recover R, close L
*restart Wall 3 facing [9:00]
(17-24) 1/4 right turn jazz box with brush, brush, front mambo
1,2Cross R over L, step L back
3,41/4 right turn step R to right, brush L forward [6:00]
5,6Step L forward, brush R forward
*restart Wall 7 facing [12:00]
7&8Rock R forward, recover L, step R back
(25-32) 2 toe fans back, 1/4 left turn sailor, step, low hitch, coaster
1,2Step L back while fanning R toes out, step R back while fanning L toes out
3&4Sweep L behind R, 1/4 left turn step R to right, step L to left [3:00]
5,6Step R forward, hitch L toe next to R ankle
7&8Step L back, close R, step L forward
Contact the choreographer with your questions: barbara.tobin@yahoo.com
Last Update: 8 May 2024