Tag. End of wall 5 facing wall 6. Count 2. Tap right beside left twice.
Section 1.
1-4.Kick right across left, kick right forward, side shuffle right left right.
5-8.Kick left across right, kick left forward, side shuffle left right left.
Section 2.
1-2.Right to side, left behind right,
3&4.Right to side, left together with right, step right across left.
5-6.Left to side, right behind left,
7&8.Left to side, right together with left, step left across right.
Section 3.
1-2.Walk forward right left,
3&4Back on right, left together with right, forward on right.
5-6.Forward on left, ¼ turn on right,
7&8.Cross shuffle left right left.
Section 4.
1&2.Back on left, lock right in front of left,
3-4.Back on left recover on right.
5&6.Forward on left, lock right behind left,
7-8.Right to side, recover on left.
Section 1.
1-4.Kick right across left, kick right forward, side shuffle right left right.
5-8.Kick left across right, kick left forward, side shuffle left right left.
Section 2.
1-2.Right to side, left behind right,
3&4.Right to side, left together with right, step right across left.
5-6.Left to side, right behind left,
7&8.Left to side, right together with left, step left across right.
Section 3.
1-2.Walk forward right left,
3&4Back on right, left together with right, forward on right.
5-6.Forward on left, ¼ turn on right,
7&8.Cross shuffle left right left.
Section 4.
1&2.Back on left, lock right in front of left,
3-4.Back on left recover on right.
5&6.Forward on left, lock right behind left,
7-8.Right to side, recover on left.