CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Country's Cool Again

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Lindsay Spence (SCO) - March 2024
Country's Cool Again - Lainey Wilson
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Start on vocals restarts wall 2, 4, 6, 8

Section1 R point together, heel hook shuffle,
1,2Right to side bring right in beside left
3,4Right heel forward hook right in front of left
5,6step right forward, left step beside
7,8right forward, left forward, right forward

Section 2 L point together, heel hook, shuffle
1,2Left to side bring left in beside right,
3,4left heel forward hook left, in front of right
5,6step left forward, right step beside
7,8left forward, right forward, left forward

Section3 R /L out out, R/L in in,Swivel both R/L
1,2,3,4right step out, left step out, right step in left step in
5,6,7,8right and left heels turn to right and back to centre, left and right heels turn left and back to centre
Restart wall 4

Section 4 Vine R hitch, turn ¼ shuffle
1,2,3,4right side, left behind, right side hitch left making ¼
5,6,7,8left forward, right forward, left forward,
Restart wall 8

Section5 R samba scuff, L samba scuff
1,2,3,4right cross over left left step back, right side, scuff left
5,6,7,8left cross over right, right step back, left side, scuff right
Restart wall 2, 6

Section 6 R rock forward, sailor ¼ turn, R/L heel switches, R kick ball step
1&2right rock forward recover,
3&4left turn ¼ left behind right, right side, left beside right
5&6right heel forward recover, left heel forward recover
7&8weight on left, kick right, step down on right, step down on left

Hope you enjoy the dance !!!

1 评论

sonnie March 28, 2024
Good dance but check the counts on your shuffle steps and such.

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