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Heel-strut with Hip bumps R,L, syncopated jazz-box, heel bounce
1&2place R heel to right diagonal and push hips to right (1), hips Back to left(&), movie weight to right while push hips to right (2)
3&4place L heel to left diagnonal while push hips to left(3), push hips Back to right(&), weight to L while pushing hips to left (4)
56&7step R over left (5), step L Back (6), step R to right (&) step L over right (7)
&8lift your heels up(&) being heels down(8)
Side rock-steps R,L, triple step with 3/4turn to left , walk R,L
1 2&3 4step R to right side (1), recover L (2), step R next to left (&), step L to left side (3), recover weight to L (4).
5&6 3/4turn to left with triple step L,R,L (3:00)
7 8step R forward (7), step L forward (8)
R rock-step fwd, R step back, L together, step point R,L
1 2step R forward (1) , recover Back L (2)
3 4step R back (3) , step L together right (4)
5 6step R forward (5), point L to left side(6)
7 8step L forward (7). Point R to right side(8)
R heel-grind,L heel-grind, R ½ pivot, V-step
1 2&dig R heel forward (1), step L (2), step R together (&)
3 4&dig L heel forward (3), step R (4), step L together (&)
5 6step R forward (5), turn ½ left weight on L(6),
7&8&step R forward to right diagnonal (7), step L forward to left diagnonal (&), step R back to center(8), step L together right (&).
Heel-strut with Hip bumps R,L, syncopated jazz-box, heel bounce
1&2place R heel to right diagonal and push hips to right (1), hips Back to left(&), movie weight to right while push hips to right (2)
3&4place L heel to left diagnonal while push hips to left(3), push hips Back to right(&), weight to L while pushing hips to left (4)
56&7step R over left (5), step L Back (6), step R to right (&) step L over right (7)
&8lift your heels up(&) being heels down(8)
Side rock-steps R,L, triple step with 3/4turn to left , walk R,L
1 2&3 4step R to right side (1), recover L (2), step R next to left (&), step L to left side (3), recover weight to L (4).
5&6 3/4turn to left with triple step L,R,L (3:00)
7 8step R forward (7), step L forward (8)
R rock-step fwd, R step back, L together, step point R,L
1 2step R forward (1) , recover Back L (2)
3 4step R back (3) , step L together right (4)
5 6step R forward (5), point L to left side(6)
7 8step L forward (7). Point R to right side(8)
R heel-grind,L heel-grind, R ½ pivot, V-step
1 2&dig R heel forward (1), step L (2), step R together (&)
3 4&dig L heel forward (3), step R (4), step L together (&)
5 6step R forward (5), turn ½ left weight on L(6),
7&8&step R forward to right diagnonal (7), step L forward to left diagnonal (&), step R back to center(8), step L together right (&).