CopperKnob Stepsheets

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It Only Took a Minute

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High Beginner
Sabina Frisk (SWE) - 21 February 2024
Start after 16 counts with weight on L

[1-8], Step R fwrd L behind R Swivel heels out, in. L rock fwrd recover ¼ L chasse.
1-4(1)R fwrd (2) L Behind R (3) swivel bouth heels out (4) swivel both heels in. Keep weight on R
5-7 &8(5) L Rock fwrd (6) recover on R, (7) turn ¼ to L looking 21:00, L to side (&) R next to L (8) L to left.

[9-16] R heel grind ball, L heel grind ball, Step Flick back R costerstep
1,2&3,4&(1) R Heel to floor (2) twist toes out (&) ball (3) L heel to floor (4) twist toes out (&) ball
5&6 7&8(5)R frwd (&) L flick behind R (6) L back (7) R back (&) L back (8) R fwrd

[17-24] Walk, walk, shuffle, walk, walk, shuffle
1,2,3&4(1) L Fwrd (2) R fwrd (3) L fwrd (&) R next to L (4) L fwrd
5,6,7&8(5) R fwrd (6) L fwrd (7) R fwrd (&)L next to R (8) R fwrd

[25-32] Side rock, behind side cross, side rock hinge turn to L
1,2,3&4(1)Rock L To L (2) recover on R (3) L behind R (&) R to R (4) L cross over R
5-8(5) rock R To R (6)recover on L (7) R behind L (8) Turn ¼ L, step L fwrd Looking 18.00

(Optional) Ending on (29) R to R Side (30)Turn L ¼ facing 12:00

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