Intro: 16 counts
Side drag rock back, side together shuffle fwd
1234Big step R to side, drag L to R and rock L back, recover R
5 6Step L to side, step R next to L
7&8Step L fwd, R next to L, step L fwd (12.00)
Step R ¼ left back, step L to side, cross shuffle, ¼, ¼, cross shuffle
12Step R ¼ left back, step L next to R
3&4Cross R over L, step L to side, cross R over L (9.00)
5 6Step L back ¼ right, step R ¼ right next to L (3.00)
7&8Cross L over R, step R to side, cross L over R (3.00)
Side together shuffle fwd, ½ pivot x 2
123&4Step R to side, step L next, step R fwd, step L next to R, step R fwd
5678Step L pivot ½ right, step L pivot ½ right (3.00)
Rock L, ½ shuffle, weave to right with cross
123&4Rock L fwd, recover R, turn1/2 left step L, step R next, step L fwd (9.00)
Option for count 3&4 can be done as triple turn
5678Step R to side, step L behind, step R to side, cross L over R (9.00)
Restart: Wall 7 start at the back, dance 16 counts, restart (9.00)
1&Wall 9 finish the sequence (3.00), sway RL with count 1&, restart the Dance again
Ending: Last wall starts at the back (6.00), dance 12 counts up to cross shuffle, step L to front touch R together
Contact: williewkyeung@gmail.com
Side drag rock back, side together shuffle fwd
1234Big step R to side, drag L to R and rock L back, recover R
5 6Step L to side, step R next to L
7&8Step L fwd, R next to L, step L fwd (12.00)
Step R ¼ left back, step L to side, cross shuffle, ¼, ¼, cross shuffle
12Step R ¼ left back, step L next to R
3&4Cross R over L, step L to side, cross R over L (9.00)
5 6Step L back ¼ right, step R ¼ right next to L (3.00)
7&8Cross L over R, step R to side, cross L over R (3.00)
Side together shuffle fwd, ½ pivot x 2
123&4Step R to side, step L next, step R fwd, step L next to R, step R fwd
5678Step L pivot ½ right, step L pivot ½ right (3.00)
Rock L, ½ shuffle, weave to right with cross
123&4Rock L fwd, recover R, turn1/2 left step L, step R next, step L fwd (9.00)
Option for count 3&4 can be done as triple turn
5678Step R to side, step L behind, step R to side, cross L over R (9.00)
Restart: Wall 7 start at the back, dance 16 counts, restart (9.00)
1&Wall 9 finish the sequence (3.00), sway RL with count 1&, restart the Dance again
Ending: Last wall starts at the back (6.00), dance 12 counts up to cross shuffle, step L to front touch R together
Contact: williewkyeung@gmail.com