Dance Begins on vocals (After 32 counts)
Step Right Hip Swivel, Touch Right Out-In-Out, Right Sailor Step, Step Left Pivot ½ Turn Right.
1&2Step right forward, swivel heels right, swivel heels center (on balls of feet).
3&4Touch right foot out-in-out.
5&6Right sailor step.
7,8Step forward with left foot and pivot right ½ turn.
Step Left Hip Swivel, Touch Left Out-In-Out, Left Sailor Step, Step Right Pivot ½ Turn Left.
1&2Step Left forward, swivel heels left, swivel heels center (on balls of feet).
3&4Touch left foot out-in-out.
5&6Left sailor step.
7,8Step forward with right foot and pivot left ½ turn.
Cross and Heel Left, Cross and Heel Right. Right Jazz Box Shuffle Right.
1&2&Step right over left, step back left and touch right heel forward, touch right foot.
3&4&Step left over right, step back right and touch left heel forward, touch left foot.
5,6 7&8Cross right over left, shuffle right-left-right.
Step Left, Pivot ¼ Turn Right, Cross Shuffle. Point Out Right, Point out Left. Right Kick Ball Change.
1,2Step left and pivot ¼ turn right.
3&4Cross shuffle left-right left.
5&6&Point right foot out to the right, Step right foot center, point left foot out to the left, step left foot center.
7&8Right kick ball change.
There are 3 Tags with Restarts:
Wall 2 (3:00) After the first 16 counts - Rocking Chair and Restart.
Wall 5 (12:00) Begin wall 5 with a Rocking Chair and Restart.
Wall 7 (6:00) Begin wall 7 with 2 Rocking Chairs and Restart.
Last Update: 3 Apr 2024
Step Right Hip Swivel, Touch Right Out-In-Out, Right Sailor Step, Step Left Pivot ½ Turn Right.
1&2Step right forward, swivel heels right, swivel heels center (on balls of feet).
3&4Touch right foot out-in-out.
5&6Right sailor step.
7,8Step forward with left foot and pivot right ½ turn.
Step Left Hip Swivel, Touch Left Out-In-Out, Left Sailor Step, Step Right Pivot ½ Turn Left.
1&2Step Left forward, swivel heels left, swivel heels center (on balls of feet).
3&4Touch left foot out-in-out.
5&6Left sailor step.
7,8Step forward with right foot and pivot left ½ turn.
Cross and Heel Left, Cross and Heel Right. Right Jazz Box Shuffle Right.
1&2&Step right over left, step back left and touch right heel forward, touch right foot.
3&4&Step left over right, step back right and touch left heel forward, touch left foot.
5,6 7&8Cross right over left, shuffle right-left-right.
Step Left, Pivot ¼ Turn Right, Cross Shuffle. Point Out Right, Point out Left. Right Kick Ball Change.
1,2Step left and pivot ¼ turn right.
3&4Cross shuffle left-right left.
5&6&Point right foot out to the right, Step right foot center, point left foot out to the left, step left foot center.
7&8Right kick ball change.
There are 3 Tags with Restarts:
Wall 2 (3:00) After the first 16 counts - Rocking Chair and Restart.
Wall 5 (12:00) Begin wall 5 with a Rocking Chair and Restart.
Wall 7 (6:00) Begin wall 7 with 2 Rocking Chairs and Restart.
Last Update: 3 Apr 2024