CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Elvis Tonight

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Absolute Beginner
Rob Fowler (ES) - March 2024
Elvis Tonight - Jason Allen : (album: The Twilight Zone)
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Intro: 16 counts (approx. 7s)

S1: Stomp R, Hold, Stomp L, Hold, Elvis Knees, Hold
1,2,3,4Stomp R to R side, hold, stomp L to L side, hold
5,6Bend R knee in towards L, straighten R knee and bend L knee in towards R
7,8Straighten L knee and bend R knee in towards L, hold [12:00]

S2: Vine R With Brush, Vine L With Brush
1,2,3,4Step R to R side, step L behind R, step R to R side, brush L next to R
5,6,7,8Step L to L side, step R behind L, step L to L side, brush R next to L [12:00]

S3: Diag R, Touch L, Diag L, Touch R, Walk Back R, L, R, Hook L
1,2Step R diagonally forward R, touch L next to R (& clap)
3,4Step L diagonally forward L, touch R next to L (& clap)
5,6,7,8Step back on R, step back on L, step back on R, hook L in front of R shin [12:00]

S4: Step L Fwd, Step R Tog, Step L Fwd, Brush R, Step R Fwd, Hold, Pivot ¼ L, Hold
1,2,3,4Step forward on L, step R next to L, step forward on L, brush R next to L
5,6,7,8Step forward on R, hold, make ¼ turn L (weight on L), hold [9:00]

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14 APR '24 50

3 评论

Marianna T. April 16, 2024
These videos are showing people adding a tag to this dance. But, the step sheet doesn't say anything about a tag. We were considering this dance for a workshop in June. Do these people have the incorrect version of the music or is the step sheet wrong? I watched a TEACH where the person states, "per the step sheet there are not tags or restarts, however, you can add a four count tag...The tag is done twice in the dance." Are you aware of this?

Jrn December 29, 2024
I just noticed the tags. They are needed. My first trial run didn't feel right and then I saw the videos.
I am not sure why Rob didn't correct the stepsheet. I think the tags are at the end of wall 2 facing 6:00, and end of wall 4 facing 12:00.

Jrn December 29, 2024 not think it got the second tag right .

Anyway Betty Lee is dancing it without tags. Looks good, but doesn't hit the music quite right without the tags

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