High Beginner
Start after 16 count intro – approx. 9secs – 114bpm
Music Available: Amazon
[1-8] R fwd, L rocking chair, L fwd, R fwd shuffle
1-3Step R forward, rock L forward, recover weight on R
4-6Rock L back, recover weight on R, step L forward
7&8Step R forward, step L together, step R forward
[9-16] L fwd, ¼ R pivot turn, R weave: L cross over, R side, L cross behind, ¼ R, R fwd, L fwd rock/recover
1-2Step L forward, pivot ¼ right (3 o’clock)
3-4Cross step L over R, step R side
5-6Cross step L behind R, turning ¼ right step R forward (6 o’clock)
7-8Rock L forward, recover weight on R
[17-24] L back rock/recover, L fwd shuffle, R jazz box cross
1-2Rock L back, recover weight on R
3&4Step L forward, step R together, step L forward
5-8Cross step R over L, step L back, step R side, cross step L over R
[25-32] R chassé, L rock back/recover, L chassé, R rock/back recover
1&2Step R side, step L together, step R side
3-4Rock L back, recover weight on R
5&6Step L side, step R together, step L side
7-8Rock R back, recover weight on L
[33-36] R fwd, ¼ left pivot turn, R fwd, L fwd
1-2Step R forward, pivot ¼ left (3 o’clock)
3-4Step R forward, step L forward
WALL 1 TAG: Add the following 8 count tag at the end of wall 1 facing R side wall – 2 V Steps
1-2Step R forward and apart, step L forward and apart
Optional arms: As you step R forward lift both arms up to the R pushing palms to the ceiling, then as you step L forward lift both arms up to the L pushing palms up to the ceiling
3-4Step R back, step L together
Optional arms: Bring back to place
5-8Repeat counts 1-4
Then start dance again
WALL 2 TAG: Add the following 4 count tag at the end of wall 2 facing back wall – 1 V Step
1-2Step R forward and apart, step L forward and apart
Optional arms: As you step R forward lift both arms up to the R pushing palms to the ceiling, then as you step L forward lift both arms up to the L pushing palms up to the ceiling
3-4Step R back, step L together
Optional arms: Bring back to place
Then start dance again
WALL 4 TAG/RESTART: Dance first 14 counts which will take you to R side wall, then add 2 count TAG
1-2Step L slightly forward, touch R together
Then start dance again
GRAND FINALE: Final wall will end facing forward after counts 25-32, strike a pose!
Last Update: 1 Mar 2024
Music Available: Amazon
[1-8] R fwd, L rocking chair, L fwd, R fwd shuffle
1-3Step R forward, rock L forward, recover weight on R
4-6Rock L back, recover weight on R, step L forward
7&8Step R forward, step L together, step R forward
[9-16] L fwd, ¼ R pivot turn, R weave: L cross over, R side, L cross behind, ¼ R, R fwd, L fwd rock/recover
1-2Step L forward, pivot ¼ right (3 o’clock)
3-4Cross step L over R, step R side
5-6Cross step L behind R, turning ¼ right step R forward (6 o’clock)
7-8Rock L forward, recover weight on R
[17-24] L back rock/recover, L fwd shuffle, R jazz box cross
1-2Rock L back, recover weight on R
3&4Step L forward, step R together, step L forward
5-8Cross step R over L, step L back, step R side, cross step L over R
[25-32] R chassé, L rock back/recover, L chassé, R rock/back recover
1&2Step R side, step L together, step R side
3-4Rock L back, recover weight on R
5&6Step L side, step R together, step L side
7-8Rock R back, recover weight on L
[33-36] R fwd, ¼ left pivot turn, R fwd, L fwd
1-2Step R forward, pivot ¼ left (3 o’clock)
3-4Step R forward, step L forward
WALL 1 TAG: Add the following 8 count tag at the end of wall 1 facing R side wall – 2 V Steps
1-2Step R forward and apart, step L forward and apart
Optional arms: As you step R forward lift both arms up to the R pushing palms to the ceiling, then as you step L forward lift both arms up to the L pushing palms up to the ceiling
3-4Step R back, step L together
Optional arms: Bring back to place
5-8Repeat counts 1-4
Then start dance again
WALL 2 TAG: Add the following 4 count tag at the end of wall 2 facing back wall – 1 V Step
1-2Step R forward and apart, step L forward and apart
Optional arms: As you step R forward lift both arms up to the R pushing palms to the ceiling, then as you step L forward lift both arms up to the L pushing palms up to the ceiling
3-4Step R back, step L together
Optional arms: Bring back to place
Then start dance again
WALL 4 TAG/RESTART: Dance first 14 counts which will take you to R side wall, then add 2 count TAG
1-2Step L slightly forward, touch R together
Then start dance again
GRAND FINALE: Final wall will end facing forward after counts 25-32, strike a pose!
Last Update: 1 Mar 2024