1-2Step R forward, step L forward
3&4Shuffle forward, R, L, R
5-6Rock-recover: step L forward, step back on R
7&8L turning shuffle: Shuffle LRL turning ½ turn to the left
Section 2 (9-16) KICKS, SAILOR STEPS
1-2Kick right foot forward, kick right foot to right side
3&4Swing right foot behind left, step R, step L, step R
5-6Kick left foot forward, kick left foot to L side
7&8Swing left foot behind R, step L, step R, step L
Section 3 (17-24) LINDY RIGHT, LINDY LEFT
1&2Shuffle right, left, right to right side
3-4Rock back on left behind right, recover right
5&6Shuffle left, right, left to left side
7-8Rock back on right behind left, recover left
Section 4 (25-32) PIVOTS, HIP BUMPS
1-2Step right foot forward, pivot 1/8 turning left
3-4Step right foot forward, pivot 1/8 turning left
5-6Bump right hip forward twice
7-8Bump left hip backward twice
TAG: At end of 3rd set, bump hips an additional R, L, R, L.
1-2Step R forward, step L forward
3&4Shuffle forward, R, L, R
5-6Rock-recover: step L forward, step back on R
7&8L turning shuffle: Shuffle LRL turning ½ turn to the left
Section 2 (9-16) KICKS, SAILOR STEPS
1-2Kick right foot forward, kick right foot to right side
3&4Swing right foot behind left, step R, step L, step R
5-6Kick left foot forward, kick left foot to L side
7&8Swing left foot behind R, step L, step R, step L
Section 3 (17-24) LINDY RIGHT, LINDY LEFT
1&2Shuffle right, left, right to right side
3-4Rock back on left behind right, recover right
5&6Shuffle left, right, left to left side
7-8Rock back on right behind left, recover left
Section 4 (25-32) PIVOTS, HIP BUMPS
1-2Step right foot forward, pivot 1/8 turning left
3-4Step right foot forward, pivot 1/8 turning left
5-6Bump right hip forward twice
7-8Bump left hip backward twice
TAG: At end of 3rd set, bump hips an additional R, L, R, L.