High Beginner
Intro: 32 counts. Start on lyrics. No tags, No restarts.
Section 1: R grapevine with a step together, both feet moving left with a heel toe heel twist
1,2Step R to R side, Cross L behind R
3,4Step R to R side, Step L foot beside R (weight on both feet)
5,6Twist both heels L, twist both toes L
7,8Twist both heels L, twist both toes L.
Section 2: Toe Taps forward R & L , heel dig, toe cross, step forward R, L toe tap behind R
1,2R toe tap forward, R toe steps back beside L foot
3,4L toe taps forward, L toe steps back beside R foot
5,6R heel dig front, R toe crosses L foot
7,8R foot step forward taking weight, L toe taps behind R foot
Section 3: Step back L, R toe tap crossing L foot, step front R, step L foot beside R, 1/4 turn L, step taps L and R with a
1,2L foot steps back, R toe crosses L foot with a tap.
3,4R foot steps forward, L foot taps together beside R foot keeping weight on R.
5,6(new wall) Making a 1/4 turn over L shoulder to new wall, Step L foot to L side, tap R foot beside L foot
7,8Step R foot to R side, tap L foot beside R.
Section 4: Grapevine L
1,2Step L to L side, Cross R behind L
3,4Step L to L side, brush R foot to end the dance.
Start over with Grapevine to the Right
Contact: brooketidball.health@yahoo.com
Section 1: R grapevine with a step together, both feet moving left with a heel toe heel twist
1,2Step R to R side, Cross L behind R
3,4Step R to R side, Step L foot beside R (weight on both feet)
5,6Twist both heels L, twist both toes L
7,8Twist both heels L, twist both toes L.
Section 2: Toe Taps forward R & L , heel dig, toe cross, step forward R, L toe tap behind R
1,2R toe tap forward, R toe steps back beside L foot
3,4L toe taps forward, L toe steps back beside R foot
5,6R heel dig front, R toe crosses L foot
7,8R foot step forward taking weight, L toe taps behind R foot
Section 3: Step back L, R toe tap crossing L foot, step front R, step L foot beside R, 1/4 turn L, step taps L and R with a
1,2L foot steps back, R toe crosses L foot with a tap.
3,4R foot steps forward, L foot taps together beside R foot keeping weight on R.
5,6(new wall) Making a 1/4 turn over L shoulder to new wall, Step L foot to L side, tap R foot beside L foot
7,8Step R foot to R side, tap L foot beside R.
Section 4: Grapevine L
1,2Step L to L side, Cross R behind L
3,4Step L to L side, brush R foot to end the dance.
Start over with Grapevine to the Right
Contact: brooketidball.health@yahoo.com