Intro: 32 Cts (Note: actual intro is 64 cts before lyrics start)
**RESTART Wall 9 – Dance 16 cts and restart facing 9:00
[1-8] Skate R/L, Shuffle to R – Skate L/R, Toe strut with ¼ T Left.
1 2 3&4Skate R to R side, Skate L to L side, Shuffle to R side.
5 6 7 8Skate L to L side, Skate R to R side, toe strut to L side with 1/4 turn to L. (9:00)
[9-16] Press R foot, Toe switch L/R – Step Kick, Jump back L/R & heel pop.
1 2 &3&4Press ball of R foot in front, hold (2), R ball together and touch L front, switch L ball and touch R front.
5 6 &7&8Step forward R, Kick L forward, Jump back L, then R together beside L, Lift both heels to knee pop and lower.
**Restart here during Wall 9 facing 9:00
[17-24] Side, hold, ball step touch. Step L back, hold, ball ¼ step touch.
1 2 &3 4Step R to R side, hold (2), Ball Step: Step L ball beside R, Step R to R side, Touch L beside R.
5 6 &7 8Step L back, hold (6), R Ball together, ¼ turn left Step to L. R touch L beside R (6:00)
[25-32] R Shuffle forward, ¼ turn then L shuffle forward. Heel switch R/L, swivel hips/heels R.
1&2 3&4Shuffle forward R together R, ¼ Turn to L (3:00) shuffle forward L together L. Option Arms: Disco Chop/Finger Guns: up higher on 2nd shuffle.
5&6&7&8R Heel front, ball switch to L heel front, ball switch place R foot front, swivel heels and hips to R side, then recover to L.
SHAZAM!!! :D Contact: wendyjohansson1@gmail.com
Last Update: 16 Jun 2024
**RESTART Wall 9 – Dance 16 cts and restart facing 9:00
[1-8] Skate R/L, Shuffle to R – Skate L/R, Toe strut with ¼ T Left.
1 2 3&4Skate R to R side, Skate L to L side, Shuffle to R side.
5 6 7 8Skate L to L side, Skate R to R side, toe strut to L side with 1/4 turn to L. (9:00)
[9-16] Press R foot, Toe switch L/R – Step Kick, Jump back L/R & heel pop.
1 2 &3&4Press ball of R foot in front, hold (2), R ball together and touch L front, switch L ball and touch R front.
5 6 &7&8Step forward R, Kick L forward, Jump back L, then R together beside L, Lift both heels to knee pop and lower.
**Restart here during Wall 9 facing 9:00
[17-24] Side, hold, ball step touch. Step L back, hold, ball ¼ step touch.
1 2 &3 4Step R to R side, hold (2), Ball Step: Step L ball beside R, Step R to R side, Touch L beside R.
5 6 &7 8Step L back, hold (6), R Ball together, ¼ turn left Step to L. R touch L beside R (6:00)
[25-32] R Shuffle forward, ¼ turn then L shuffle forward. Heel switch R/L, swivel hips/heels R.
1&2 3&4Shuffle forward R together R, ¼ Turn to L (3:00) shuffle forward L together L. Option Arms: Disco Chop/Finger Guns: up higher on 2nd shuffle.
5&6&7&8R Heel front, ball switch to L heel front, ball switch place R foot front, swivel heels and hips to R side, then recover to L.
SHAZAM!!! :D Contact: wendyjohansson1@gmail.com
Last Update: 16 Jun 2024