Intro: Start dance 16 counts after she counts 1,2,3,4
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R Kick Ball Change, Point R, Point L, L Kick Ball Change, Point L, Point R
1&2Kick R fwd, touch R beside L, step on L
3&4Point R to R side, step R beside L, point L to L side
5&6Kick L fwd, touch L beside R, step on R
7&8Point L to L side, step on L beside R, point R to R side
R shuffle, L Shuffle, Cross, Pivot ¼ L, R Coaster
1&2Shuffle fwd R, L, R
3&4Shuffle fwd L, R, L
5-6Cross R over L, pivot ¼ turn L (weight on L)
7&8Step back on R, step L beside R, step fwd on R
Syncopated Vine L, R Crossing Shuffle, Step, Touch
1-2Step L to L side, step R behind L
&3-4Quickly step on L, cross R over L, step on L to L side
5&6Cross R over L, step L to L side, cross R over L
7-8Long step L on L, drag R to L and touch
Syncopated Vine R, L Crossing Shuffle, Step, Touch
1-2Step R to R side, step on L behind R
&3-4Quickly step on R, cross L over R, step on R to R side
5&6Cross L over R, step side R on R, Cross L over R
7-8Long step R on R, drag L to R and touch
L Shuffle, R Shuffle, Jazz Box
1&2Shuffle fwd L, R, L
3&4Shuffle fwd R, L, R
5-8Cross L over R, step back on R, step L to L side, step R beside L
L Sailor, R Sailor with ¼ Turn R, Pivot ¼ Turn R, Rock, Recover, Step
1&2Cross L behind R, step side R, step side L
3&4Cross R behind L, step side L, step ¼ turn R stepping on R
5-6Step fwd on L, pivot ¼ turn R (weight on R)
7&8Rock fwd on L (push hands fwd), recover back on R, step L beside R
(bring hands back to waist)
No restarts or tags
R Kick Ball Change, Point R, Point L, L Kick Ball Change, Point L, Point R
1&2Kick R fwd, touch R beside L, step on L
3&4Point R to R side, step R beside L, point L to L side
5&6Kick L fwd, touch L beside R, step on R
7&8Point L to L side, step on L beside R, point R to R side
R shuffle, L Shuffle, Cross, Pivot ¼ L, R Coaster
1&2Shuffle fwd R, L, R
3&4Shuffle fwd L, R, L
5-6Cross R over L, pivot ¼ turn L (weight on L)
7&8Step back on R, step L beside R, step fwd on R
Syncopated Vine L, R Crossing Shuffle, Step, Touch
1-2Step L to L side, step R behind L
&3-4Quickly step on L, cross R over L, step on L to L side
5&6Cross R over L, step L to L side, cross R over L
7-8Long step L on L, drag R to L and touch
Syncopated Vine R, L Crossing Shuffle, Step, Touch
1-2Step R to R side, step on L behind R
&3-4Quickly step on R, cross L over R, step on R to R side
5&6Cross L over R, step side R on R, Cross L over R
7-8Long step R on R, drag L to R and touch
L Shuffle, R Shuffle, Jazz Box
1&2Shuffle fwd L, R, L
3&4Shuffle fwd R, L, R
5-8Cross L over R, step back on R, step L to L side, step R beside L
L Sailor, R Sailor with ¼ Turn R, Pivot ¼ Turn R, Rock, Recover, Step
1&2Cross L behind R, step side R, step side L
3&4Cross R behind L, step side L, step ¼ turn R stepping on R
5-6Step fwd on L, pivot ¼ turn R (weight on R)
7&8Rock fwd on L (push hands fwd), recover back on R, step L beside R
(bring hands back to waist)