One restart, one tag
Intro: 16 counts; begin on lyrics
Step-Lock-Step 2X; 4x Step touch making ½ turn
1&2Step-lock-step (RLR)
3&4Step-lock-step (LRL)
5&6&7&8Step forward on right, touch left; step on left, touch right; repeat as making turn
*RESTART here on the third start facing 12:00
Side-Rock, Behind-Side-Cross
1-2Rock RT foot to side, recover on LT
3&4Step RT behind LT, Step LT to side, Cross RT over LT
5-6Rock LT foot to side, recover on RT
7&8Step LT behind RT, Step RT to side, Cross LT over RT
Heel/Toe; Shuffle forward
1-2touch RT heel forward, touch RT toe back
3&4shuffle forward RLR
5-6touch LT heel forward, touch LT toe back
7&8shuffle forward LRL
Side-Rock, Crossing Shuffle; ¼ turn, Crossing Shuffle
1-2rock RT to side, recover on LT
3&4crossing RT over, shuffle RLR
5-6step LT forward turning ¼, recover on RT
7&8Cross LT over, shuffle LRL
TAG: facing 3:00 add 2X Step-Touch then begin the dance again (after music and he sings whoa, whoa…I’m gonna get there)
Intro: 16 counts; begin on lyrics
Step-Lock-Step 2X; 4x Step touch making ½ turn
1&2Step-lock-step (RLR)
3&4Step-lock-step (LRL)
5&6&7&8Step forward on right, touch left; step on left, touch right; repeat as making turn
*RESTART here on the third start facing 12:00
Side-Rock, Behind-Side-Cross
1-2Rock RT foot to side, recover on LT
3&4Step RT behind LT, Step LT to side, Cross RT over LT
5-6Rock LT foot to side, recover on RT
7&8Step LT behind RT, Step RT to side, Cross LT over RT
Heel/Toe; Shuffle forward
1-2touch RT heel forward, touch RT toe back
3&4shuffle forward RLR
5-6touch LT heel forward, touch LT toe back
7&8shuffle forward LRL
Side-Rock, Crossing Shuffle; ¼ turn, Crossing Shuffle
1-2rock RT to side, recover on LT
3&4crossing RT over, shuffle RLR
5-6step LT forward turning ¼, recover on RT
7&8Cross LT over, shuffle LRL
TAG: facing 3:00 add 2X Step-Touch then begin the dance again (after music and he sings whoa, whoa…I’m gonna get there)