High Beginner
Intro: 16 counts
Facing diagonal 1.30 for starting
Rock back shuffle fwd, rock fwd shuffle back
123&4Rock back R, recover L, shuffle fwd RLR (1.30)
567&8Rock fwd L, recover R, shuffle back LRL (1.30)
Rock back, kick ball change, Side toe strut, cross toe strut
123&4Rock back R, recover L, kick R step ball of R down, change weight on L (1.30)
5678Step R toe to side strut the heel down, cross L toe strut the heel down (1.30)
Turn ⅛ L, square back to the starting wall, ¼ Montreal turn with flick, Cross rock, side rock
1234Touch R toe to side, step ¼ right, touch L to side and flick L behind (3.00)
5678Rock L across R, recover R, rock L to side, recover R (3.00)
Weave with point, Step back point, Step fwd point diagonal
1234Step L cross in front, step R to side, step L behind, point R to side (3.00)
5678Step back R, point L to side, step L fwd, point R to diagonal (4.30)
Ending - Finish the last sequence at the back, tuck R foot behind unwind ½ to the front.
No tag, no restart!
Happy dancing!
Contact: williewkyeung@gmail.com.au
Last Update: 22 Jan 2024
Facing diagonal 1.30 for starting
Rock back shuffle fwd, rock fwd shuffle back
123&4Rock back R, recover L, shuffle fwd RLR (1.30)
567&8Rock fwd L, recover R, shuffle back LRL (1.30)
Rock back, kick ball change, Side toe strut, cross toe strut
123&4Rock back R, recover L, kick R step ball of R down, change weight on L (1.30)
5678Step R toe to side strut the heel down, cross L toe strut the heel down (1.30)
Turn ⅛ L, square back to the starting wall, ¼ Montreal turn with flick, Cross rock, side rock
1234Touch R toe to side, step ¼ right, touch L to side and flick L behind (3.00)
5678Rock L across R, recover R, rock L to side, recover R (3.00)
Weave with point, Step back point, Step fwd point diagonal
1234Step L cross in front, step R to side, step L behind, point R to side (3.00)
5678Step back R, point L to side, step L fwd, point R to diagonal (4.30)
Ending - Finish the last sequence at the back, tuck R foot behind unwind ½ to the front.
No tag, no restart!
Happy dancing!
Contact: williewkyeung@gmail.com.au
Last Update: 22 Jan 2024