Absolute Beginner
no tags no restart
32ct intro
Section 1 Walk forward and back
1-2-3-4walk forward r-l-r-touch l
5-6-7-8walk back l-r-l touch r
Section 2 Charleston two times or option to Charleston and pivot half and pivot half
1-2-3-4Step on right foot, kick left foot forward ,step on left foot, touch right foot back.
5-6-7-8repeat the Charleston or if you choose you can skip the second Charleston and replace it with 2 pivots( step right foot forward and pivot over left to back wall then step right foot forward and pivot to front wall)weight is now on left foot
Section 3 Hula diagonal right, Hula diagonal left
1-2-3-4Traveling diagonal right forward, step right , step left beside right, step right, step left beside right
5-6-7-8traveling left diagonal to 10:30, step left to left diagonal and right beside it, step left diagonal and right beside it. if you call it hula step everyone knows what to do for some reason.
Section 4 Walk back 4 steps jump forward, jump forward
1-2-3-4Walk back r-l-r-l
5-6small hop forward and hold
7-8small hop forward and hold
Happy dancing!
32ct intro
Section 1 Walk forward and back
1-2-3-4walk forward r-l-r-touch l
5-6-7-8walk back l-r-l touch r
Section 2 Charleston two times or option to Charleston and pivot half and pivot half
1-2-3-4Step on right foot, kick left foot forward ,step on left foot, touch right foot back.
5-6-7-8repeat the Charleston or if you choose you can skip the second Charleston and replace it with 2 pivots( step right foot forward and pivot over left to back wall then step right foot forward and pivot to front wall)weight is now on left foot
Section 3 Hula diagonal right, Hula diagonal left
1-2-3-4Traveling diagonal right forward, step right , step left beside right, step right, step left beside right
5-6-7-8traveling left diagonal to 10:30, step left to left diagonal and right beside it, step left diagonal and right beside it. if you call it hula step everyone knows what to do for some reason.
Section 4 Walk back 4 steps jump forward, jump forward
1-2-3-4Walk back r-l-r-l
5-6small hop forward and hold
7-8small hop forward and hold
Happy dancing!