Easy Intermediate
Intro: Quick start on the word “Second”
Section 1 Sway L-R, ¼ L, Rock R, Rec, ½ R, Rock L, Rec, Full turn L, Run R-L
1-2-3Sway L to L side, sway R to R side, make ¼ L stepping L
4&5Rock forward R, recover L, make ½ R stepping R
6&7Rock forward L, recover R, make full turn L on ball of L foot
8&Run forward R, run forward L
Section 2 Rock R, Rec, Ball, Back L sweeping R, Behind, Side, Cross rock, Rec, Ball, Step forward L (1/8 R), pivot ½ R, Ball
1-2&3Rock forward R, recover L, small step R next to L, step back L as you sweep R front to back
4&5-6Step R behind L, step L to L side, cross rock R over L, recover L
&7-8&Small step R next to L, make 1/8 R stepping forward L, make ½ R stepping forward R, small step L next to R *Restart after pivot-see note
Section 3 Step forward R, 1/8 R L Rock & Cross, ¼ L, ½ L, ¼ L, Behind, Side, Cross, R Rock & Cross
1-2&3Step forward R, make 1/8 R as you rock L to L side, recover R, cross L over R
4&5Make ¼ L stepping back R, make ½ L stepping forward L, make ¼ L stepping R to R side
6&7Step L behind R, step R to R side, cross L over R
8&1Rock R to R side, recover L, cross R over L
Section 4 ¼ R, ¼ R, Cross L, Step R forward (R diag), Touch L, Step L forward (L diag), Cross rock R, Recover, R side, L sailor
2&3Make ¼ R stepping back L, make ¼ R stepping R to R side, cross L over R
4&5Step R forward to R diagonal, touch L next to R, step L forward to L diagonal
6&7Cross rock R over L, recover L, step R to R side
8&Step L behind R, step R to R side (count 1 of section 1 makes this a sailor)
*Restart – After 16 counts (pivot ½ R) during wall 2 and 5, straighten up to back wall and restart the dance.
Hope you enjoy! 😊
Contact Stephen – stephen-edward-mckenna@sky.com
Section 1 Sway L-R, ¼ L, Rock R, Rec, ½ R, Rock L, Rec, Full turn L, Run R-L
1-2-3Sway L to L side, sway R to R side, make ¼ L stepping L
4&5Rock forward R, recover L, make ½ R stepping R
6&7Rock forward L, recover R, make full turn L on ball of L foot
8&Run forward R, run forward L
Section 2 Rock R, Rec, Ball, Back L sweeping R, Behind, Side, Cross rock, Rec, Ball, Step forward L (1/8 R), pivot ½ R, Ball
1-2&3Rock forward R, recover L, small step R next to L, step back L as you sweep R front to back
4&5-6Step R behind L, step L to L side, cross rock R over L, recover L
&7-8&Small step R next to L, make 1/8 R stepping forward L, make ½ R stepping forward R, small step L next to R *Restart after pivot-see note
Section 3 Step forward R, 1/8 R L Rock & Cross, ¼ L, ½ L, ¼ L, Behind, Side, Cross, R Rock & Cross
1-2&3Step forward R, make 1/8 R as you rock L to L side, recover R, cross L over R
4&5Make ¼ L stepping back R, make ½ L stepping forward L, make ¼ L stepping R to R side
6&7Step L behind R, step R to R side, cross L over R
8&1Rock R to R side, recover L, cross R over L
Section 4 ¼ R, ¼ R, Cross L, Step R forward (R diag), Touch L, Step L forward (L diag), Cross rock R, Recover, R side, L sailor
2&3Make ¼ R stepping back L, make ¼ R stepping R to R side, cross L over R
4&5Step R forward to R diagonal, touch L next to R, step L forward to L diagonal
6&7Cross rock R over L, recover L, step R to R side
8&Step L behind R, step R to R side (count 1 of section 1 makes this a sailor)
*Restart – After 16 counts (pivot ½ R) during wall 2 and 5, straighten up to back wall and restart the dance.
Hope you enjoy! 😊
Contact Stephen – stephen-edward-mckenna@sky.com