Intro: Start after 32 count
No Tag, No Restart
Sec 1 Walk ForwardⅩ3, Hitch, Walk BackⅩ3, Touch
1 2Step R fwd(1), Step L fwd(2)
3 4Step R fwd(3), Hitch L fwd(4)
5 6Step L back(5), Step R back (6)
7 8Step L back(7), Touch R next to L(8)
Sec 2 R-Vine, Touch, L-Vine, Touch
1 2Step side on R(1), cross L behind R(2)
3 4Step side on R(3), touch L next to R(4)
5 6Step side on L(5), coss R behind L(6)
7 & 8Step side on L(7), touch R next to L (8)
Sec 3 V-StepⅩ2
1 2Step R fwd onto R diagonal(1), Step L fwd onto L diagonal(2)
3 4Step R back to center(3), Step L back to center(4)
5 6Step R fwd onto R diagonal(5), Step L fwd onto L diagonal(6)
7 8Step R back to center(7), Step L back to center(8)
Sec 4 Jazz box 1/4 Turn R, Rocking Chair
1 2Cross R over L(1), turn 1/4 R step L back(2)
3 4Step R side to R(3), Step Lf fwd(4)
5 6Step R fwd(5), recover back onto L(6)
7 8Step R back(7), recover fwd onto L(8)
Contact: jeongwhadmj@naver.com
Last Update: 11 Jan 2024
No Tag, No Restart
Sec 1 Walk ForwardⅩ3, Hitch, Walk BackⅩ3, Touch
1 2Step R fwd(1), Step L fwd(2)
3 4Step R fwd(3), Hitch L fwd(4)
5 6Step L back(5), Step R back (6)
7 8Step L back(7), Touch R next to L(8)
Sec 2 R-Vine, Touch, L-Vine, Touch
1 2Step side on R(1), cross L behind R(2)
3 4Step side on R(3), touch L next to R(4)
5 6Step side on L(5), coss R behind L(6)
7 & 8Step side on L(7), touch R next to L (8)
Sec 3 V-StepⅩ2
1 2Step R fwd onto R diagonal(1), Step L fwd onto L diagonal(2)
3 4Step R back to center(3), Step L back to center(4)
5 6Step R fwd onto R diagonal(5), Step L fwd onto L diagonal(6)
7 8Step R back to center(7), Step L back to center(8)
Sec 4 Jazz box 1/4 Turn R, Rocking Chair
1 2Cross R over L(1), turn 1/4 R step L back(2)
3 4Step R side to R(3), Step Lf fwd(4)
5 6Step R fwd(5), recover back onto L(6)
7 8Step R back(7), recover fwd onto L(8)
Contact: jeongwhadmj@naver.com
Last Update: 11 Jan 2024