Improver - waltz
Start dance after 24 counts - No tag, no restart
Sec 1 Left twinkle right twinkle ¼ turn
1 2 3Cross with foot (1), side with right foot (2), side with left foot (3)
4 5 6Cross with right foot (4), ¼ turn to the right with left foot (5), side with right foot (6), ending 3 o’clock
Sec 2 Cross rock side cross weave
1 2 3Cross rock with left foot (1), recover weight to right foot (2), side with left foot (3)
4 5 6Cross with right foot (4), side with left foot (5), behind with right foot (6), ending 3 o’clock
Sec 3 Left balance step right balance step
1 2 3Side with left foot (1), rock back with right foot (5), recover weight to left foot (3)
4 5 6Side with right foot (4), rock back with left foot (5), recover weight to right foot (6), ending 3 o’clock
Sec 4 Side diamond ¼ turn
1 2 3Side with left foot (1), cross with right foot (2), 1/8 turn to the right stepping left foot to the side facing 4:30 (3)
4 5 6Back with right foot (4), back with left foot (5), 1/8 turn to the right stepping right foot to the side facing 6 o’clock (6), ending 6 o’clock
Sec 5 Cross weave side with drag
1 2 3Cross with left foot (1), side with right foot (2), behind with left foot (3)
4 5 6Side with right foot (4), drag left foot towards right foot (5, 6), ending 6 o’clock
Sec 6 Rolling vine with ¼ turn step ¼ turn cross
1 2 3¼ turn to the left stepping left foot forward (1), ½ turn to the left stepping right foot back (2), ½ turn to the left stepping left foot forward (3)
4 5 6Forward with right foot (4), ¼ turn to the left stepping left foot to the side (5), cross with right foot (6), ending 12 o’clock
No turn option: Run run in place of ½ turn ½ turn for count 2 & 3 of this section
Sec 7 Diagonal kick hitch coaster step
1 2 3Side with left foot facing left diagonal (1), kick and hitch with right foot (2, 3)
4 5 6Back with right foot (4), together with left foot (5), forward with right foot (6), ending 10:30
Sec 8 Side rock cross ¼ turn pivot ¼ turn
1 2 31/8 turn to the right stepping left foot to the side squaring up to 12 o’clock (1), recover weight to the right foot (2), cross with left foot (3)
4 5 6¼ turn to the right stepping right foot forward (4), forward with left foot (5), ¼ turn to the right with right foot (6), ending 6 o’clock
Start again! Happy dancing!
Contact: Winchun168@hotmail.com
Sec 1 Left twinkle right twinkle ¼ turn
1 2 3Cross with foot (1), side with right foot (2), side with left foot (3)
4 5 6Cross with right foot (4), ¼ turn to the right with left foot (5), side with right foot (6), ending 3 o’clock
Sec 2 Cross rock side cross weave
1 2 3Cross rock with left foot (1), recover weight to right foot (2), side with left foot (3)
4 5 6Cross with right foot (4), side with left foot (5), behind with right foot (6), ending 3 o’clock
Sec 3 Left balance step right balance step
1 2 3Side with left foot (1), rock back with right foot (5), recover weight to left foot (3)
4 5 6Side with right foot (4), rock back with left foot (5), recover weight to right foot (6), ending 3 o’clock
Sec 4 Side diamond ¼ turn
1 2 3Side with left foot (1), cross with right foot (2), 1/8 turn to the right stepping left foot to the side facing 4:30 (3)
4 5 6Back with right foot (4), back with left foot (5), 1/8 turn to the right stepping right foot to the side facing 6 o’clock (6), ending 6 o’clock
Sec 5 Cross weave side with drag
1 2 3Cross with left foot (1), side with right foot (2), behind with left foot (3)
4 5 6Side with right foot (4), drag left foot towards right foot (5, 6), ending 6 o’clock
Sec 6 Rolling vine with ¼ turn step ¼ turn cross
1 2 3¼ turn to the left stepping left foot forward (1), ½ turn to the left stepping right foot back (2), ½ turn to the left stepping left foot forward (3)
4 5 6Forward with right foot (4), ¼ turn to the left stepping left foot to the side (5), cross with right foot (6), ending 12 o’clock
No turn option: Run run in place of ½ turn ½ turn for count 2 & 3 of this section
Sec 7 Diagonal kick hitch coaster step
1 2 3Side with left foot facing left diagonal (1), kick and hitch with right foot (2, 3)
4 5 6Back with right foot (4), together with left foot (5), forward with right foot (6), ending 10:30
Sec 8 Side rock cross ¼ turn pivot ¼ turn
1 2 31/8 turn to the right stepping left foot to the side squaring up to 12 o’clock (1), recover weight to the right foot (2), cross with left foot (3)
4 5 6¼ turn to the right stepping right foot forward (4), forward with left foot (5), ¼ turn to the right with right foot (6), ending 6 o’clock
Start again! Happy dancing!
Contact: Winchun168@hotmail.com