One restart – wall 3 after first 8 counts
Rock recover, sweep, front hook, side rock recover, cross, back hook
1-4Rock forward on right, recover on left, sweep right behind left, hook left In front of right
5-8Rock left on left, recover on right, cross left in front of right, hook Right behind left
Heel, heel, toe heel stomp, heel jack, cross
1&2&Right heel forward, right next to left, left heel forward left next to right
3&4Right foot toe, heel stomp
5-6Step left foot to left, step right foot behind left foot
&7&8Step left to left , touch right heel forward, bring right toe back beside left foot and step Left foot forward in front of right
Rock recover shuffle half turn, left point, ¼ turn sailor step
1-2Rock forward on right foot, recover on left foot
3&4½ turn right shuffle right , left, right
5-6Point left foot to left and bring left foot next to right
7&8Turn ¼ right sweeping right foot to right and behind left foot. Rock left foot to left, Recovering on right foot
Left coaster, double stomp, right coaster, diagonal slide
1&2Step back on left foot, bring right foot beside left foot, step forward on left foot
3-4Stomp right foot, stomp right foot
5&6Step back on right foot, bring left foot beside right foot, step forward on right foot
7-8Step left foot diagonally front and left, slide right toe up beside left foot keeping weight on left foot
Rock recover, sweep, front hook, side rock recover, cross, back hook
1-4Rock forward on right, recover on left, sweep right behind left, hook left In front of right
5-8Rock left on left, recover on right, cross left in front of right, hook Right behind left
Heel, heel, toe heel stomp, heel jack, cross
1&2&Right heel forward, right next to left, left heel forward left next to right
3&4Right foot toe, heel stomp
5-6Step left foot to left, step right foot behind left foot
&7&8Step left to left , touch right heel forward, bring right toe back beside left foot and step Left foot forward in front of right
Rock recover shuffle half turn, left point, ¼ turn sailor step
1-2Rock forward on right foot, recover on left foot
3&4½ turn right shuffle right , left, right
5-6Point left foot to left and bring left foot next to right
7&8Turn ¼ right sweeping right foot to right and behind left foot. Rock left foot to left, Recovering on right foot
Left coaster, double stomp, right coaster, diagonal slide
1&2Step back on left foot, bring right foot beside left foot, step forward on left foot
3-4Stomp right foot, stomp right foot
5&6Step back on right foot, bring left foot beside right foot, step forward on right foot
7-8Step left foot diagonally front and left, slide right toe up beside left foot keeping weight on left foot